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HELP! How much to charge for travel to wedding!


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<p>Help! Yikes, I have never been asked to travel to a wedding thus far, and so I have never really figured out how much to charge extra. I have been asked to travel about 310 miles from my current location. I can drive it just fine, but I would need 2 nights in a hotel room and gas... Any opinions on what you might do in this situation would be greatly appreciated!<br>



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Jason has a good formula, but he has forgotten about the 2 days you'll be in your car. You need to decide what that's worth to you as you could be doing something more important like shopping? It also depends if you're going somewhere that you'd like to visit and turn this into a vacation at the same time. You could also work up a special package for your customer and give them one blanket price including travel rather than nickel & diming them...-Aimee</p>

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<p>Erin -</p>

<p>Check the IRS website for their current millage figures. As a rule of thumb - I charge mileage at the IRS rate plus room and board for the day before and day of the event.</p>

<p>Also do a cost value analysis and see if it makes more sense for you to rent a car as opposed to throwing the 600 or so miles on your car. Check around and see if you can find a coupon for free or discounted rentals...</p>

<p>We (my day job) just sent me to on a trip to our other headquarters 400 miles away - price of airline ticket was $400. Someone had a coupon for a free rental car - we ended up paying $1.60 for the rental for 4 days and 800 plus miles. Not too bad.</p>



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You should have added the cost of travel and lodging as a factor in the cost of photographing the wedding--before agreeing,checking out the facts how much would it cost you to stay at a hotel/motel etc. Photographing plus travel expenses. Whatever you charged them to be the photographer factor in another half of that money paid. E.g. $1,500.00 for photographing divide that in half and add it on to the fee...it's fair. Ask yourself this? Did you expect to make money on this gig or lose money by having to pay for expenses? It's your call...you are a photographer yes? But,also a businesswoman.</p>

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