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Query for F-1_New owners


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<p>I recently acquired a real basket case F-1N, that had obviously taken a huge fall and subsequent tumbling. After a great deal of various minor repairs (beating bottom plate back into shape, buying a new focusing screen, and fixing multiple problems in the battered AE finder), I at least have the camera functioning again.</p>

<p>At the moment I would like to know something about the correlation of the aperture scale displayed on the right side in the viewfinder to the actual lens aperture setting. On my F-1N, for example, when the lens is set to f/2.8, the paddle/bubble is centered over f/4 on the scale. Similarly, it is one stop high all the way up and down the scale.</p>

<p>So, could some kind person take a quick peek through his F-1N viewfinder and let me know if my display is off by a stop (which I suspect is the case), or not? </p>

<p>I'm not sure how I might attack the problem, if my suspicions are confirmed, but at least I'll know what is going on.</p>

<p>Regards, Bruce</p>


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<p>Yes ditto..could be the lever inside the lens mount is deformed as it 'reads ' the aperture set on the lens ..it can get damaged easily by removing the lens in stopped-down mode ( with my 500mmmf8 mirror easy to forget!) and also by heavy-handed lens changing in poor light conditions or after a few beers! Ooops...<br>

Press on ...Im impressed by your blacksmithing of an F1N! ... mebbe make a Lensbaby out of a Horseshoe??:)</p>

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<p>Ah, suspicion confirmed! Thanks very much for the input gentlemen. I'll now try and dig into what is going on.</p>

<p>As I recall, one of the obvious things I had to fix early on in the F-1N resurrection program was to "straighten out" that aperture coupling lever at the right side of the mirror box (as you look in from the front). It had definitely suffered quite a wrenching as part of this camera's probable swan dive off a mountain.</p>

<p>The FD Forum comes through again with valuable information. You just can't beat it.</p>

<p>Regards, Bruce</p>


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<p>As a final followup to my posting, I have decided to give up on getting the paddle position corrected, because of the difficulty in getting to any of the linkages which drive the paddle. I did remove the left top cover and left prism rail, giving me a good view of the paddle, and it is rather buried in the innards of the body down below the meter. That's a region I don't think I'm qualified to enter. Besides, if I want to do match needle metering, all I need do is dial in an exposure compensation factor of -1/2 and the needle and paddle will align at the correct exposure.</p>

<p>I have gotten a test roll run through the F-1_N and the exposures (made using aperture priority mode) are right on the money. So far so good. I really didn't think this camera was salvagable, but it looks like I was wrong, and that's a good thing. Thanks for all the good input from the forum members.</p>

<p>Regards, Bruce</p>

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