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Need a new len for Lanscape


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Now I'm using Canon EOS 20D with Canon EF <em>24</em> -<em>85mm</em> f/<em>3.5</em> -4.5 USM, I'm pleased with it. For walk-around and potrait, EF 24-85mm is fine for me. But beside that, I'm loving to shoot lanscape and sometimes the EF 24-85mm is not wide enough to capture the view that I want to get.<br>

I have 2 questions here, please help. I appriciate your answers.<br>

1. What is the real focal length of EF 24-85mm Len when I mounted it on to my EOS 20D (crop-body), because some of my friends tell me: Actually it's not 24-85mm. <br>

2. I'm considering to purchase a new wide-len (Canon made, Second-hand).<br>

- Focal length should be as wide as possible. <br /> <br>

- My budget is around 600USD<br>

- I will use this for landscape only, so doesn't need to be a fast-len.<br>

<br /> Thanks for your helps.<br>

<br /> </p>

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<p>(1) The real focal length doesn't change. However the angle of view of a 24mm on a 20D is the same as that of a 38.4mm lens on a full frame 35mm camera.<br>

(2) The widest Canon lens would be the EF-S 10-22/3.5-4.5 USM. It's a good lens and sells for around $700 new, so if you can find a used one it should be in your price range. Alternatives are the Sigma 10-20 and the Tamron 10-24</p>

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<p>First, yes, because of the "crop factor" your lens --while remaining a 24-85mm lens--is the <em><strong>equivalent</strong> </em> of roughly a 38mm to 136mm zoom. This means you are covering what for an APS-C (15x22mm) so-called "crop body" is a short normal to middle telephoto. Unless you've got old legacy lenses and have shot on 35mm film, you don't need to worry about this, you just need to know that <em>normal</em> on <em>your</em> camera is say 24-35mm focal length.<br /> To get wide angle, you need to go below 24mm. Since a few mm make more difference on this end than at the telephoto end, or seem to anyway, a 17 or 18mm is a modest wide angle. To go into "ultrawide" territory, you need one of the 10-20mm range lenses. (in equivalences, this would work out to starting at 16mm on a 35mm film camera)<br /> A budget of US$600 will get you there, or almost, maybe with change depending on what you buy.</p>

<p>My two choices would be:<br /> Canon EF-S 10-22mm<br /> Sigma 10-20mm (I think there is a new version of this coming out, the older one may be cheaper as a result)<br /> There are others, well-spoken of, like the various ultrawide zooms from Tokina and Tamron.<br /> These are all rectilinear lenses, NOT fisheyes, although 16mm was often a fisheye focal length on 35mm film cameras.</p>

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<p>Thank you, I was considering to purchase a new wide-angle len since my friend gave me a try on his EOS 5D + 17-40mm L len, I have big suprise with his stuffs, It really, really wide. Then I put his 17-40L len onto my 20D body, the view & the picture just same as my 20D + 24-85mm Len.<br>

According to your recommends, a Ultra-wide len like Caon EF-S 10-20mm, Sigma 10-20mm or a Tokina len will be my choice, but with 600$ what is the best len to get?<br>

<strong>Base on Price/Image quality/Built quality?</strong> (I've own a Tamron and Sigma len before but it's built quality disapointed me after using it for 5 months)</p>

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<p>I personally have the older Sigma 10-20 f/4-5.6. I have found it very good (it's supposed to be one of their top-grade lenses in build quality) and it would fit in your budget. However, I don't know what the price on the <a href="http://www.sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lenses_all_details.asp?navigator=6">mark ii</a> (f/3.5) is, or even if it is more than "announced."<br>

Alternatively, you should be able to find a decent used Canon EF-S 10-22mm as Bob said for your $600. On eBay, completed auctions show this lens sold for around $700 either new or like new, down to as low as $500. So bidding on it might require some patience to get your price.</p>

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<p>Thank you for all your supports, after all I have some choices here:<br>

1. <strong>Canon 10-22mm F3.5-4.5 USM: </strong> = $620.<br>

2. <strong>Tokina 12-24mm F4: </strong> $420<br>

<br /> With $200 more if I buy the Canon 10-22mm, what is the best deal between 2 lens? I've read some reviews for both lens (Included Bob Atkins' review), it's really hard to choose.<br>

Once again, I'll use this ultra-wide len for mainly shooting landscape, image distortion can cause problem for me. Which one have less distortion on wide-end?</p>

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<p><em>I've own a Tamron and Sigma len before but it's built quality disapointed me after using it for 5 months</em></p>

<p>I've owned a Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 Len and a Sigma 18-200mm len, after using it for 5 moth I have some bad experiens on those:<br>

1. Zoom ring: Very tight, hard to rolate.<br>

2. Rubber-shield-ring outside the len (Sorry, I don't know how to called it in English): Not attached tight to len-body. I have to hold it very hard to zoom-in or zoom-out.</p>




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<p>Hmmm. That sucks. Stick with the Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM as other's have suggested. I don't own the lens but have tried it on my old Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. Very good to excellent results. Depending on it's condition, you can buy it used between $600 to $800 CAN on Craigslist Toronto. But, your price of $620 sounds decent.</p>

<p>Check here http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos also for reviews on your chosen Canon and Tokina lens choices for distortion and other good stuff.</p>

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<p>My friend just offered me to get his 17-40mm L len with price at 550$, (the one that I tried on EOS 5D before). I love the optical quality of the 17-40L but for my Crop-body, it seem to lacking the wide-end.<br>

I'm living in Vietnam, prefer buy used len and I don't want to buy online (Usually I come directly to some shops in town to purchase, in this case I only can buy Canon 10-22mm or<strong> </strong> Tokina 12-24mm F4 directly from them).<br>

May be I would asking some of my buddy if they have any ultra-wide lenses to try first before I decided to buy.</p>

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<p dir="ltr">My impression that all UWA lenses are very good but when I wanted to buy one I went for the Canon without hesitation. Two years later I feel that its IQ is so good that it made me stop dreaming on any other UWA lens.</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">Happy shooting,</p>

<p dir="ltr">Yakim.</p>


<p dir="ltr"> </p>



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<p>I appriciated all your answers, at last I deciced to go with 17-40L, My friend gave me the 17-40L to use it for a few days. And I lovee it's optic-quality and built quality though it isn't wide enough for me. But still considering the Tokina 12-24mm in nearly future.<br>

<strong>Thanks again.</strong></p>

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