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Good Wide Angle Examples/Ideas?


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<p>Because the chances that Canon is going to address the wide angle prime gap in their crop body lens line up for

less than $2000, I got interested in a wide angle zoom and picked up a 12-24 Tokina. I've been lookng for so

me "different" wide angle examples but only find close flowers in the foreground with a dr

amatic landscape in the background or distorted people/pets/architecture shots. What do you do with yo

ur wide angles? Any tips? Any sites you can recommend? Tha

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<p>I like to use my 10-20mm in very close to action-ish stuff. The perspective distortion, used constructively, can be a huge compositional tool, bringing the eye to the interesting spot. For <strong><a href="../photo/7385489">this shot</a></strong>, I had the camera less than a foot from the dog trainer's hand, at 14mm. <br /><br />That same acute perspective can also bring you a different look at static objects (not just flowers!), <strong><a href="../photo/7468952&size=lg">as in this one</a></strong>, shot at 13mm, roughly a foot above the top of the wheat. Moments later, in the same wheat field, I used the same lens at 10mm help <strong><a href="../photo/7581625">bite off a large bit of the sky</a></strong> while retaining great foreground details.<br /><br />That same ability to play with deep DoF and - through perspective - play with sense of scale really called for 10mm on <strong><a href="../photo/8621557">this shot of an artists installed basket sculptures</a></strong>. It can also help with documentary shots in very tight quarters, such as shooting between rows of <strong><a href="../photo/6610581">these grape drying racks</a></strong>.</p>
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<p>Check out the work of Alexandra Boulat, Annie Griffiths-Belt and James Stanfield for ideas on how to use a super wide angle creatively and effictively...also, pay careful attention to the photographs in your local newspaper (if you still have one). Wide angle photojournalism has become almost the defacto rule of photojournalistic image making, maybe too much, but there is alot of very good wide angle work out there to be appreciated.</p>

<p>Michael J Hoffman</p>

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<p align="justify">I don't know if this example is "different" enough for you, but UWA is a nice lens to experiment with, such as composition, shooting angle or trying to get a non-standard view in a photograph. And all without too much effort. The relatively huge DOF is there, all free to use. Just look around and see a bit "differently" toward an object, be it landscape, people, pets, architecture, events etc. To me, the strength of an UWA-lens is in its built-in potential to give a dynamic look to a photograph. </p><div>00T2r6-124339684.jpg.6a634f714a3457886766f7fa6bfac152.jpg</div>
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