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Purpose of this forum?

peter nelson

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I've notice that this forum - People Photography - seems to be

morphing from a forum to talk about people photography - releases,

working with models, posing, lighting, etc. into a forum to show off

such photography. <P>


I think it's fine to post images to illustrate a question, i.e., 'do

you think the lighting is too dramatic here, should I add more

fill?', or 'how do I control the reflections in this shiny

material?', etc.<P>


But people are posting images here who can't seem to get enough

attention on Photo Critique. If you notice the format of this forum,

it's suposed to have "Questions" and "Answers". The messages are

called "New Questions". But people are posting images with no

questions, just to say "hey, look at me!" <P>


I know as photographers we all have big egos and want everyone to

look at and appreciate our photography. But geez, get a website. If

you have an Internet account you probably get one for free. For a

few bucks more you can do like I did and get a whole domain! If you

need to post images on P.N. use Photo Critique.

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I thought about this too, and the best solution I could come up was to wrap a non-technical question around my pictures, to get a debate going. That way, you get the best of both worlds.



My last post did not elicit any answers; let's hope today's fares better.

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Peter: This forum has always been image-centric, especially

before the photo.net acquisition. Take a look at the archives. Not

that discussion alone was discouraged. It might be good to

hang around/contribute a bit and understand the dynamics

before suggesting what should not be allowed.


What separates this forum from the others, is the level of

maturity exhibited by contributors (usually). Would hate to see

this degenerate into mindless equipment discussions and

debates that are evident elsewhere.

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Well im in a similar situation, i think photo.net is more about sharing information on technical issues most of the time. This is very valuable to me without a shed of doubt, but im used to way better critique on pics then i can find here. My friends, which know me and which i value greatly for their opinion, really tear my head off as it comes to improving my photographic abilities. I gladly return the favour offcourse ;)P.


The problem with the critique here is that there is always too much nagging about obvious things, i tried to gently get some "deeper" responses but without any success. However there is some truth in this nagging, any viewer or reader responds to their first impression(i sometimes forget that)......


To me this has evolved more into a test area. How "generally" is reflected on certain effects or moods i try to emphasise. I think alot of us do this by the way... On the other hand i try to share anything i know. Maybe not always very clearly or kindly, but then again one doesnt become better by having things served on silver platters(or do we?)?


As to the big egos roaming these threads, i dont pay much attention to that, i have the massive weight(can only measured in gigamegatons) of my own ego to carry around ;)P



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The premise of your question is patently false: This forum has always been about sharing images, and it has never been a venue for people who couldn't get enough attention on Photo Critique.


What has set this forum apart from others is that people post here thoughtfully and respectfully. Also, as far as big egos are concerned, you might want to limit your observations to yourself and not make assumptions about the rest of us.

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AFAIK, people photography, originally a greenspun.com forum predated the noisy locker room that is photo critique. In my memory, it's been salt and pepper, but mostly photo posts.


I think Sean Gibson, the original maintainer tried an all image forum (image only, posts and replies) but I haven't seen or heard o' that in ages. While the software and format he borrowed from Phil included the 'new question' link, the groovy group dynamics chose their own form.

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Alan Gibson, who ran the old greenspun.com Philosophy of Photography forum, did the image posting forum. It was fascinating but ran out of gas fairly quickly, far more quickly than it deserved.


Regarding this forum...it was far easier to be a posting forum when it was a small group. As recent posts have shown, it's all too easy to become a free-for-all photo critique forum (or photo showing forum) and we will eventually have to put some guidelines in place to keep it interesting.


Regarding deletions from this forum, if it's not specific to People Photography, it gets moved or deleted. A good example was a recent post asking how to use fill flash with a specific camera. While fill flash is often used, how to make it work has nothing to do with People Photography. A post on dog photography was moved to the unarchived forum, because the last time I looked, dogs were not people. John Kantor's excellent posts on artists as photographers got relocated to the photo.net Archived forum, where it generated quite a bit of interesting discussion.


I also delete posts that incite flame wars.

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As stated, from its very beginning, this forum has been image centered.


I don't think Shawn Gibson (the founder) intended it that way, but that's what happened.


I've been following this forum from the very first day it started, and I remember people even posting tutorials on how to house an image with an image hosting service and then how to post them on the forum using HTML codes.


We posted images that way until the time People Photography was transferred to the wings of Photo.net, and now we can use the easy way to post images.


CONCERN: A very short time after this forum went to Photo.net I wrote a question here expressing concern that people would join up and then start complaining that there are too many photos posted, and that the forum should be Q&A only. I see that such is beginning to happen. Sad!


If you are new here, this forum has always been image/comment oriented, and I hope it stays that way.

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Jeff Spirer, I think, in no uncertain terms, that you should address the tendency of some posters to attack subjects in lieu of attacking the photograph itself. For the most part, I'm assuming that most of the images on this Forum are absent model releases. And even if someone has one, I would think the last thing anyone wants, is a personal attack against a subject. This acts to the detriment of all of us. I just had someone attack the apperance of two subjects that I shared with the Forum. As soon as you see this, or are made aware of it, then I think you should delete that particular post, without deleting the whole thread. I'd also like to point out that all images are copyrighted. That means that you can not copy an image unless you have permission. Part of giving a good critique, is trying to understand the intent of the photographer, and trying to help them realize their intent better. A good critique has nothing to do with trying to impose your interpretation on an image. Also, for those wanting a critique there is, of course, Photo Critique. Personally, I'm not looking for a critique when I post on this Forum. If and when I do want a critique, then I'll go find someone that's qualified.
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""it's all too easy to become a free-for-all photo critique forum (or photo showing forum) and we will eventually have to put some guidelines in place to keep it interesting""


Jeff had a really strong point here, something to be mindfull off. Maybe we shouldnt post any threads asking for general critique....



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I can understand asking for critiques and suggestions. But when I see a new posting that consists of a photo, and nothing else, I wonder "Why is this here?" And then I must agree that these posters are just looking for attention, perhaps. Especially if they seem hostile to non-positive comments.


Of course, it's easy to just pass over those postings if one wants to, so it's not a big problem.

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I think your right douglas but whats the point to any discussion if you cant say what you think? Should we avoid any confrontation? Would be pointless IMO. If i would make someone look stupid because i lack the ability to comprehend and relate to visual information, i do want to know. It IS me picturing the subject, or isnt it?



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<p><i>>> Part of giving a good critique, is trying to understand the intent of the photographer, and trying to help them realize their intent better.</i></p>


<p>Looks like you do that all the time by calling the poster a bastard in a public forum.</p>

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"attack" "attack" "attack" ... is that the only thing you can think of in a forum, Glenn? How about critique, help, educate, expand knowledge, share ideas? Ever heard of these more positive terms which may possibly help you to orientate your perspective?
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Peter, I'm looking for the same thing that I look for when I view the work of others. To me, Photography is a very personal expression. Not all of us will be a Eugene Smith or a Cartier-Bresson, yet that doesn't mean that we can't participate in a very rich art form. Someone once told me to look at my favorite photograph for eight hours straight before making a decision what to do with it. These forums help me look at my photography in a different light. So I post to share, and to show others where I am right now. I may not be here in six months, but for now I am. And likewise, I enjoy seeing where others are, what they are doing, and where they are going. Incidently, the "Debi" portrait is a great high key light shot. Is that just lighting, or does it have Photoshop manipulation? That would really be a neat shot of post on People Forum.
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<i> So I post to share, and to show others where I am right now. </i><p>


There are many better ways to do this, such as have a web site or point people to a folder on photo.net. This is, as it says at the top, a <i>forum</i>, and the reason to post should be to engender discussion around the photograph, be it critique, demonstration, or something. But to post just to show won't work here, it will kill the <i>forum.</i> So the reason to post should be to find out what people think, ask for advice, ask for insight, but for showing, web sites are cheap (onedollarhosting for example) and easy to build.

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