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Resetting film

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<p>Is it bad if I rewind my completely unused roll of film from my camera up to a point where i can pull it out again? Something came up so I cannot use the film, at least not now. I will need it later. So will it make a difference? At least in terms of quality of film? The film is Portra 160 VC.</p>
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<p>No, won't hurt it at all. I used to do this occasionally. But you do need to be CAREFUL that you do not accidentally double expose the roll later (been there, done that, embarrassed to admit that I bought the T-shirt).</p>

<p>After you remove the roll from the camera, IMMEDIATELY mark the last frame number exposed on the cassette or plastic film can with a felt-tip marker. When you go to reload the film, set your camera to manual mode, put the lens cap on the lens, then fire off as many frames as necessary (at f/16 and 1/1000 or similar) to go one frame PAST the number you marked earlier on the cassette. From that point onward, you can continue to shoot normally.</p>

<p>If I understand your question correctly, you haven't exposed ANY frames on this roll, so you can ignore the above reload instructions and just load normally when you finally get around to using it.</p>

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<p>Yep, Michael has it right. I've done that a number of times if i needed to change ISO or film stock. I would also recomend covering the view finder (either with built in cover or tape or something) and keeping the aperture as small as possible and the speed as fast as possible. Wouldnt want to risk destroying the first part of the roll that has pictures on it. Obviously this is only in reference to if you have already shot frames, which you did not. In which case, just reqind it so that the leader pops out of the other spool and set the film aside.</p>
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