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Help with selecting Alienbees setup


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<p>Folks, I am ordering a setup of 4 Alienbee monolights and need some advice in choosing which power of heads to go with. They have 400 w/s, 800 w/s, and 1600 w/s units. Should I go with 4 800 units or perhaps 2 1600 units and 2 800 units? I am not really familiar with studio lighting, so I am purchasing this setup with hopes that I can master it within approx. 1 year. I am a nature and wildlife shooter, but a portrait studio has always captivated some of my interest. Now, please don't flame me and assume that I plan on doing portraits 2 days after unboxing my lights. Like I said, I am giving myself at least a year....if it takes 3, then so be it. <br>

this is what I am looking at getting: <a href="http://www.alienbees.com/busy.html">http://www.alienbees.com/busy.html</a><br>

Does anyone see any advantages of getting the lower power units?</p>

<p>Can you kind folks please recommend a straight forward, non-bank breaking light meter to use with these strobes?</p>



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<p>Hey Derrick</p>

<p>How large is your studio area? I recently purchased an AB400 (just one of them), and at low apertures, ISO 100, i have to turn it all the way down. Im glad i went with the 400, because for what im using it for i probably wouldn't have been able to turn even a single 800 down enough.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>You don't say what camera equipment you are planning on using--if it is APS-C digital, lower power units may be fine, since you don't want to stop your lens way down anyway. If you are working with film, especially medium or large format, and want to give your subject a little freedom to move slightly without going out of focus, then more power will be essential. If you are planning on using these for business, you might think about upgrading to the X series White Lightnings, as they have built in cooling fans, a very useful feature for extended use and soft boxes. As for a meter, the Sekonic L-308 is under $200, and should do well for you.</p>
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<p>I have 1 AB800 and large softbox, then use 2 SB600's as fill/backlight/ or whatever else... I have a pretty small space and have to keep the AB turned way down...All the BW Portraits in my port are shot with this set up...take a look if you like....and that's a Yes on the cooling fan.</p>
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<p>Get the book "Light - Science & Magic"<br>

Read the lighting tutorials under the "Learning" tab on this page<br>

Read Chuck Gardner's tutorials here http://super.nova.org/DPR/</p>

<p>2 AB400s, a softbox and a couple of umbrellas will be fine for starting out. You can get started without a meter if you understand how to use the histogram on the back of your camera. Chuck's tutorials show you how.</p>

<p><Chas><br /></p>

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<p>@ Rubens -- I use my D300 in Commander Mode....With proper setting for each speed light on different channels... and the Pop-up flash set to the Minimum... The AB picks up the flash from the Speedlights or the Pop-up...I also put a diffuser infront on the Pop-up so there is no effect on the subject...</p>
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<p>You may want to wait until the Einsteins are released along with the Cybercommander. If you cannot wait get the wired remote for your flashes. It is only $100.00 but makes light adjustment so much easier.</p>

<p>As for power, in a studio, don't go beyond the B800's.</p>

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<p>Folks, I have made my purchase and thank all of you for your advice. I went with 3 800's and 1 400. Got the large softbox, a shoot-thru umbrella, a bounce umbrealla, 3 heavy duty stands, a back ground light stand, the wired remote, grids, bags, etc.</p>


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