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Destination Wedding

nathalie lauzon

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<p>Good day,<br>

I will have my first Destination Wedding in Punta Cana (Dom Rep) at the end of April, they are paying for my trip and all-inclusive week in trade of my services (no actual pay to me), which I am fine with it. Planning to do a Trash the dress session the day after as well. I am used to do wedding here in Ottawa (Canada), so it should not be too different.</p>


<li>Would you have recommendation in which to bring? <br /> (I was thinking to bring only: D200 Nikon, SB-800, 17-55 F2.8, 70-200 f2.8, but then no back-up camera body? that's a risk)</li>

<li>How to approach the whole setting of the hotel? </li>

<li>Ideas or suggestions of websites of photog that does that often?</li>


<p>Thanks in advance!<br>


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<p>Is there a reason (I can't imagine one!) why you wouldn't bring your backup camera? I'd bring that before I'd bring a second pair of shoes. And have you thought about mulitple portable data backup solutions? Will you be burning backup DVDs and FedExing the disks home? Will you have the right computing hardware on hand to tackle that sort of stuff? Redundant battery chargers and batteries? A second strobe? Tripod for low-light beach stuff?<br /><br />On a more general note: I expect that a wedding event in a tropical setting like that will, actually, be a lot different than one in Ottawa. Light (and the timing of the good light) at low latitudes is very different, people dress differently, food and drink are handled differently. Mostly, though, I'd be focusing on complete equipment and data redundancy.</p>
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<p>unless you know where the camera shops are, it is a big risk not bring your backup...when I shoot destination weddings, I bring 2 set of backup (camera bodies, and flash units). Just in case you need it.<br>

I also contact with Hotel coordinator to be sure there is no problem shooting, if permit is required...and do online search on local photographers (so, have their contact info...just in case if something happens, you need their help)<br>

and enjoy...</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Natalie, <strong>LISTEN</strong> to <strong>EVERYONE</strong> here who says take back up equipment!!! I did a destination wedding in Cuba last winter and during the Trash the Dress session one of my cameras got severely splashed by a big wave while I was standing thigh high in the ocean. It took all of about 22 seconds to stop working. I never in my wildest imagination thought this could happen to me as I was being SO careful. Thank goodness for back up equipment. Session took a little longer due to having to change lenses a time or two but because of my back up, no harm no foul. I have replaced that camera with 2 D200's so now I have 3. I was really nervous when I was down to only one camera...I no longer had back up.<br>

Extra batteries are a must have and a converter so you can plug your charger in. Walmart sells them for about $20.00. You won't be able to charge your batteries with out it. Make sure you have protective filters on your lenses as well (ie UV filter). Sand is a nightmare. Speaking of sand, be very careful where you switch out lenses on the beach, you will be covered in sand too! I swear it's the worst part of beach pics grrrr.....Also make sure you register all your equipment with Customs before you leave Canada so you have no hassels of bringing your cameras back into Canada. I put all my gear...2 D200s, 2 SB 800 flashes, 6 batteries, (a Costco size package of AAs) memory cards, and 3 lenses (one was in my oversized purse) all in carry on this way none of my gear was out of my sight. Arrive a little bit early at the airport, customs/securoty snagged me both times I have flown with my equipment and basically emptied my camera bag. More of a pain in the butt than anything. My tripod was in my suit case. I was good to go.<br>

As far as being a whole lot different...I'm in Calgary, it was no different. Well...maybe a little, it was warm and there were plam trees there and minus 52 degrees celcius with wind chill here. Yeah...it was different!!! Good luck and have fun!!!</p>

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