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What kind of software does Glamour shots use?

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<p>Or a similar company. I edit all my photos in phtoshop...which can sometimes get tideous. I went to Galmour shots with a friend who was getting her pictures done, and they could do changes at a click of a button. <br>

If you wanted it to be b&w but the roses red...*click* ... its done. Maybe it was just for viewing purposes and they do it differently for printing, but if not, what program is that? Its magical haha.<br>

Is there other software that can do similar retouching. I just want something that gives you a nice looking b&w, sepia, soft focus etc with just a click. <br>

I've tried the color efex pro plugins...and they are alright...(free 15 day trial - http://www.niksoftware.com/colorefexpro/en/entry.php). But most of them blurred out my picture, or made it flat. :( <br>



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<p>There are a lot of plugins that do an assortment of glamour effects--one is called the Kubota effect, and it's particularly popular with wedding photographers. The proprietary ones tend to be expensive. You can Google for public domain Photoshop plugins and take your pick of a sizeable field. You can also figure out what you want to do in Photoshop and automate it as an action, which will make it considerably less tedious.</p>
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<p>I'm sure Glamour Shots uses their own proprietary program that's keyed into/calibrated for their image capture system. This is what insures a one click result.</p>

<p>There's a reason why it's tedious because your camera manufacturer doesn't know anything about Photoshop and uses proprietary software to render their color.</p>

<p>If you only shoot studio shots using the same lighting and exposure as Glamour Shots does, you can calibrate your camera using Photoshop presets or in Adobe Camera Raw if shooting Raw as long as you keep using the same lighting and exposure setup.</p>

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