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Nikon Super CoolScan 9000


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<p>I placed an order at Adorama for Nikon Super CoolScan 9000 to replace my old V ED Scanner for my 35mm and Medium format film photography. Yesterday, I received the package, but there is no warranty card inside. A call was made for inquiry. Adorama reprensentative explained that Nikon is going to "Green" so it's normal that some of Nikon's products do not carry warranty form. Still not sure with their "bad excuse", I called Nikon for explanation since it's an expensive purchase. Nikon reprensentative said it sounds stange that Scanner does not come with warranty form. But Nikon said I should be safe as long as I attach the receipt if I need to send the scanner for maintanence or repair. I have purchased over a dozen Nikon products, and this is first time happening to me. I want to ask your opinions if I need to worry. Thanks, Wenhan</p>
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