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Should I wait for the new lens, or put the money towards a new body?


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<p>Hello, everyone<br /> <br /> I just need some advice on a matter that I'm sure a lot of you go through. <br /> <br /> A month ago I purchased an EF 24-70 L for close to 1500.00 Canadian. Now, it's been over a month and the lens still hasn't come in. I chose this lens because I've seen how sharp and amazing the colors on it are, and also for the major reason that it covers quite a bit of focal range, and its constant f2.8.<br /> <br /> I use a crop body now, but before that I was using a full frame film body with a 50 mm 1.4/1.8...and I was happy with it. Really happy. I've missed the full 50 mm frame since using crop...and well, now I have almost enough cash to forgo the 24-70 and just buy a mark2 5D. Trouble is, I don't really make money doing photography, it's just a hobby. Would I be justified in buying this 3000.00 body? <br /> <br /> Any advice would be very much appreciated.</p>
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<p>Seems like the 24-70 will not give you what you're missing right now. Some thoughts, just mine... You might also look for a mint 5d body and have them both, though I must say that I heard they are difficult to get in Canada. Its the question if you need the pixels and the low light sensitivity. Nevertheless its always a quarrel as hobbyist between justifying and and... I say that its cheaper then having cars as a hobby :-). So I ordered a 5d MKII myself and will do with a tamron 28-75 first. Mine is very sharp on a crop body, but I have to see it on ff again, couldn't miss the ff as well. You can buy the MKII with a 50mm again as well and start saving for the 24-70 later. But I had trouble in dealing with that as well so I told myself to be lucky that I am able to choose.. haha, succes!</p>
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<p>From McBain camera in Edmonton. There were none when I went in to purchase it. I put one on order like the 29 fellows before me did (30 of them back ordered) and they should be in any day now... I hope :D</p>
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<p>It's really nice to support your local vendors, but you've been more patient than I would have been. The 24 end of the new lens <em>will</em> be about equivalent to a 50mm on your film body.</p>

<p>A much cheaper and much lighter "normal" (that is equivalent to 50mm in "full-frame") for your "crop" body camera would be the classic EF 28mm f/2.8. You might look for a used one, even if you decide to keep/get the 24-70, since the 28mm is very small and just as fast. There are even faster "normal" primes like the 28mm f/1.8 or the 35mm f/2. Those are not very costly, but more so than the 28-f/2.8.<br>

You don't say what you have now in digital, that I could see. If it's a 10D, it is time to upgrade, a 40D maybe not so much. I was so taken myself with the new 5D MkII that I went right out and bought a used 5D (Mk I). But I needed to use a legacy perspective-control lens on a full-frame body. Otherwise, I'd probably have gone for a 50D.</p>

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<p>JDM von Weinberg, well, I have a Rebel XT...I've had it for almost 2 years, and it's been pretty good to me so far. Only thing I miss is full frame, and the ability to shoot/frame in low low light with my 50 mm 1.4</p>

<p>I bought the 24-70 to compensate for the wider end and because it's fast for the rebel (yeah, I know it will look pretty stupid) . But it's not 1.4 fast. So that's my dilemma now... just plunk down some more for the mark 2 and use my 50 and be happy, or get this awesome lens?</p>

<p>While not as fast, it will give me back my full frame coverage I had on my 50 and it's sharp as hell.</p>


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<p>Vistek in Edmonton had stock on the 24-70 a couple weeks ago if that helps.</p>

<p>I recently bought the 24-70 for my 40D and it is indeed a very nice lens. I replaced my trust 28-135.</p>

<p>My thought is that it the lens will give you the coverage you miss and while the 5D is capable of more, you are the only one who can answer the question "what am I shooting and what will I do with the images afterwards?" Like any other tool, it may help you but will it take images $3000 better? How can it, you are in control of the image not the camera.......</p>

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<p>If you want a fast, 50mm equivalent lens on you APS-C body, check out the SigMa 30mm f/1.4. It is probably the closest experience to a fast standard lens on a full-frame body. Any zoom will handle much differently, and even the fast 24mm lens will be quite a few millimeters away from the 50mm-equivalent look (24mm <i>does not</i> equal a 50mm lens!).</p>

<p>Furthermore, the EF 24-70mm is pretty much pointless on a crop-factor body -- it is designed for full-frame and you pay for glass you cannot use on your current camera. The EF-S 17-55mm would be a better choice and has several advantages over the EF zoom.</p>

<p>Then again, if you miss full-frame photography, you could also buy a used 5D (Mk.1) for not-so-much money and enjoy all the benefits of the larger format. Unless you really need the 5D-II and its features, who's going to notice that you use a discontinued body...</p>

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<p>What you're missing is the "normal" perspective, rather than the 50mm per se, I'm thinking. If not, a good cheap 50mm f/1.8 on the XT will be just as sharp, maybe even sharper since only the sweet part of the lens is used on the "crop" body.</p>

<p>You don't have to go to expensive lenses in order to get a normal view - check out those that are mentioned above by me.</p>

<p>An XT is still capable, although the newer cameras are a step ahead.</p>

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<p>You have 350D if I'm not mistaken. I do this for hobby too. Most of us actually. If you really love it and into it, you'll do anything to get the best images. Get 5DMkII with 20-70L. Later on u need 70-200L. Amazing images. Especially the white balance accuracy and the skin tone from 5DII. And the HDMI video is simply superb. As I said, if you love it, you'll do anything.</p>
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