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Help Needed in Identifying Unknown Film!

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<p>Hello there! <br /><br />I've been shooting in films and the usual ones I shot with are Fuji or Kodak. The film types are identifiable on developed negatives. I.e. written by the side of the negatives like GC 400 KODAK, FUJI 400-PR etc <br /><br />Recently, I've shot in several rolls of films and developed them, only to realised one of them is "<b>200-2</b>" and nothing else. Anyone has an idea what brand could it be? I'm guessing it's an ISO200 film. <br /><br />Has anyone shot with film with "<b>200-2</b>" negatives? And any idea what film it may be? <br /><br />This is for documenting my photos and I need some enlightenment, thanks alot! (:</p>
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It depends on the font used. A Helvetica-like font and a batch number in red (= cyan on the negative) only at the beginning of the film strip is typical for Kodak. Fuji films usually have the batch number recorded through the entire film length and use a more "computer-like", square-shaped font. Agfa(Photo) is confectioned at the Ferrania plant in Italy and has a "F" for Fine at the frame behind 36, instead of an "E". Original Agfa film is unlikely to be for sale.


Kodak's Elite Chrome 100 is re-branded as private label film for a major German drug store chain as "CR100". Kodak print films are e. g. sold as DNP Centuria (in Japan) or for the German drug store chain. Fuji also manufactures such print films.

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