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fraternity/sorority composites


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Anyone do these? My sister is the advisor for her sorority and asked if I would do it for them. I Googled it to see if I could find anything out, but didn't find anything on pricing. <br /><br />They aren't looking for the oval window matted type, just a photo print with the 60 or so sorority members. One 16x20 or so and one 8x10 for each girl. <br /><br />I don't want to undercut other companies, so how much do these things go for? They paid one price for the whole deal vs. others I've read where they don't pay anything and the company makes money from print sales to parents. I prefer the first option with the latter being a plan for additional sales.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Sam
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<p>I do a limited amount of this stuff on the side for another company and the price varies, however I am thinking somewhere around $800 for somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 students. Don’t hold me to that but at least you know not to do it for peanuts. With 60 girls you want to take 2 quartered left 2 quartered right and one face on. Unless of course the sorority wants everyone facing the same way in which case you need to take at least 2 shots of each girl in that pose in case of out of focus or closed eyes. 60 girls is a lot and will take you about 3 hours. I would charge $1000+ if it were me and I am probably quoting low</p>
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<p>BTW Sam......The girl’s are a blast and a lot more fun to photograph then the guys however it is extremely hard to get them to choose a pose. The guy’s just say "yea ok that one looks good" but the girls call all their friends over to help them choose :)</p>
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<p>Thanks, Jeff! I hadn't thought about changing their position like that. I think the time I did one years ago, I just had them all looking the same direction.<br>

My PLAN is to have them choose their photo before they leave or "the photographer will choose for you." Either shoot tethered and use Lightroom to let them pick or get a wireless transmitter (WT-4 I think for D700).<br>

I was thinking $20 per person for an 8x10 and the house gets the large print free.<br>

Thanks again,<br>


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<p>$20 sounds good. Make out 60 plus a few extra slips of paper and have each girl write down their name and contact info. It is a good idea to have them come up to you when it’s their turn and give you the slip. After the shot write down the frame numbers on the student’s paper. This way you have the correct name with the correct picture and you have contact info. When the girls come over to look at the pictures you should get right in there and express which one looks best to you and tell her she looks great! This helps her make a decision faster and pumps up her self esteem a bit :) I always feel like I just shot a wedding after I am done shooting a fraternity or sorority so rest up :)</p>
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