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Praktica super TL and Industar 61 l/z happy together?

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<p>And another one for FED/Zorki made by Krasnogorsk factory in 1962. It is funny it made vintage looking pictures like my parents have in their albums. It also catches sunflares, octogonal ones, very vintage looking. I think that it can be used as a special effect.</p><div>00Sgr1-114157584.jpg.831cf1f41a1232c09e3fe6e91cd660b0.jpg</div>
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<p>I was impressed by the I-61 L/Z when I saw this topic this morning, Kozma,</p>

<p>So I picked one up off Ebay right away. I want to try it on my Practica MTL-50 as I needed something with a little less focal length than my 300mm Accura. I was actually saving up for a Biotar, but this lens looks like it'll do a great job too. </p>

<p>Thanks for sharing!</p>


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<p>Rick,<br /> Hope that you will not be disappointed. I did not meant to promote Soviet lenses. I even think that we should stop posting the positive results at all. As I mentioned before prices on the auction site are growing. Even flea markets in Russia and Ukraine are catching up. Who knows who else is reading that site. I inquired recently the price for Volna 9. That is macro lenses and they are not remarkable just very sharp and that is it. My dealer said 120 bucks and I backed off ((.</p>
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It's the same with many more classic cameras and lenses, I'm sure. Even some of the asking prices for the humble Argus C-3 cameras on places like Ebay have more then doubled since 3 years ago.<br>

I admit it was a bit of an impulse-buy, but I'm sure I won't be disappointed with the lens. I'm more of a RF man instead of SLRs, and I bought the MTL-50 only because my sister gave me the Accura lens and I had no camera with an M42 mount. ....And now I bought a another lens for a camera that will see more shelf-time than my other cameras *roll eyes* ...I think it's called GAS hahaha.</p>

<p>I'm sure the close-up focus will come in handy though.</p>

<p> </p>

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