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Was I out of line to shoot this?


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<p>I was in New Orleans on Mardi Gras. I saw this couple walking toward me in costume. I stepped into the middle of the sidewalk and snapped off a couple shots. It was obvious what I was doing, and I had no indication that they did not want their photo taken. As we passed, the woman sniped at me, "it's polite to ask!" I was stunned. Was I out of line here?</p><div>00Sb8G-112133784.jpg.1bb877c00f8f66a3bebd283bb08c2e8c.jpg</div>
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<p><em>Was I out of line here?<br /></em><br />No. If you're out on a public street making a deliberate spectacle of yourself, it's not unreasonable to expect people to look at you (with a camera or otherwise). That's like Paris Hilton saying, "I wish people would stop looking at me and talking about me!" It doesn't look like these people were scurrying from a car into a private residence or something. <br /><br />"Out of line," though, would have been a snarky response about the First Amendment and a petulant finger wag along the lines of, "What are you gonna do about, huh lady?" <br /><br />Though I might have been tempted to say, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm doing a study of people wearing the traditional sacrificial virgin costumes of 12th century southwestern Moldovian fungus gathering clans, and so you can imagine my surprise when I saw you coming down the sidewalk! As you obviously know, the red feathers are specifically used as a visual sign you are demanding the long gazes of all passers-by so that they'll remember you after your death in the flaming pits of Zarnog, and that people who don't provide that attention are considered <em>extremely</em> rude. So, see, I didn't want to be offensive by displaying disinterest. So anyway, when's the sacrifice?"</p>
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<p>What, she didn't <a href="../photo/5886738">smile</a>? They should realize it's a public event and they dressed to be part of or participate in the show, and anyone is open to photograph them. You have no obligation to ask, nor they any right to protest, not in a public place at a public event. I occasionally get that reaction at parades and events, but unless they want to make a scene, I just photograph and move on. And if they do complain, I usually explain my rights and say, "Ok, call the police and they'll explain a photographer's rights."</p>
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<p>I was a lifelong resident of New Orleans until I was flooded out by hurricane Katrina. I've been to more Mardi Gras parades than I can count, and taken MANY photos of people in costumes.<br>

My guess is, the unwilling subjects were from out of town and had no idea what Mardi Gras is like. Almost all maskers will pose for you at the drop of a hat.</p>

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<p><strong><em>My guess is, the unwilling subjects were from out of town and had no idea what Mardi Gras is like</em> </strong> <br /> I have been going to New Orleans for the last 20 years to see the wife's family, these people are definitely from somewhere else<strong><em>, </em> </strong> not New Orleans<strong><em>.</em> </strong> <br /> I hope they had a really crappy day and choked on a crawfish claw.<br /> All this talking about New Orleans has got me thinking about Big Al Carson the greatest singer the planet has not discovered, great guy.<br /> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpHoNWEXz4M</p>
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<p>Anyone with 2 working brain cells to rub together should realize that when you show up, IN COSTUME, at ANY festival like Mardi Gras, Gasparilla, Burning Man, etc. that it is assumed that you are there to be part of the show, and have no right to complain when people look and take photographs. That's a big part of these events, to see and be seen, and if someone's too stupid to realize that, whether from out of town or not, too bad. If she had complained in that way to me, I would have said "Hey Honey it's Mardi Gras! Get used to it!"</p>
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<p>Thank you all for weighing in. I was about to gush over the brilliance of their costumes when the woman snarled. I don't live in New Orleans, but not far from it, but have avoided Mardi Gras in the past because I can get claustrophobic in crowds. My camera has gotten me over some of that. <br>

Vincent, I am sorry that Katrina forced you to move. You should come back. The city is really on the mend.<br>

Simon, thanks for the tip and link on Al Carlson. I will have to go in sometime to see him live.<br>

Tim, Maybe I can get Matt to teach me some Zarnogian!<br>

RL, my guess is that she is an artist rather than a photographer, and felt like I was stealing what took her many hours to create. I am not insensitive. <br>

Again, thank you all!</p>

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<p>Hey Linda, sometimes you are a handy subject for a release of some goofers pent up anger. Best way to think of it is that the two just had an argument after he drove around and around looking for a parking spot. And then he says " If you didn't take so long getting dressed we wouldn't be so late for the concert." She : " It was your idea anyway, and you never want to spend money for off street parking." He: " You should talk about money, you spend it like it was going out of style." Photographer Linda takes photo. She " Oh god another one of those dumb tourists that park in the handicapped stalls I bet."</p>

<p>Walks by Linda, and then mouths off to her. Linda is taken aback and thinks she did something gauche. Well, it sounds like it <em>could </em> have been written that way. Aloha and thanks for reminding me that when someone give me the finger, they are often giving it to a bad hair day :-) That is the only lesson I can think of frankly. You did nothing to apologize for, you paid them homage as a street photographer and now they are famous on the internet,hah,so there....gerry</p>

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