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rolleicord transport problem question

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i have a rolleicord (IV btw.) which has some kind of transport problem from time to time (but not always): i can shoot a few frames and at some point the transport does no longer stop at the next frame, i.e. i can continue and continue to turn the transport knob until the film is through the camera. the frame number window continues to count forward and the lock preventing the shutter from being cocked (if double exposure prevention is set to off) is not getting released when this occurs. sometimes the transport stops again normally after some frames and sometimes not until the film is gone. does anyone (rick maybe?) have an idea what the problem with this rolleicord is? is this maybe a common problem?<br>

a lot of thanks in advance and best wishes from berlin - thomas</p>

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<p>Certainly sounds like an adjustment is in order. Funny though, I have one of those cheap Chinese Seagull cameras that did exactly the same thing. It got worse. Now it never stops after advancing a single frame. It can be wound on until the film is gone completely through. I don't think I'm going to have it fixed. I paid a whole $60 USD about 6 or 7 years ago. The few rolls I did manage to get through the camera unscathed showed that the lens left a lot to be desired. Now it's just a cute shelf queen.</p>
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<p>I completely agree with Bill, a CLA would be an excellent investment. As you likely know, the Xenar lens is really quite capable of turning out very nice images. If the camera and lens are basically sound it would be very worth the cost. There are some fine technicians fully qualified to perform the work, Oceanside Camera, Photography on Bald Mountain and Ross Yerkes, all three in California, and Paul Ebel in Wisconsin, (I think.)</p>

<p>I use Ross Yerkes for all mechanical cameras, great work, fast turns, very reasonable, highly recommended.<br>

(323) 256 - 1018, Los Angeles area. Probably not an easy task to repair yourself, unless quite familiar with mechanicals and having some reference material to guide you. Hope you get it fixed up OK, good luck with it.</p>


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thanks for the cla hints, but i was thinking about fixing it myself and look for where to start. i already made this rolleicord a working one from two broken cameras, so i'm quite used to disassemble and adjust it, but i'm not yet sure about how the transport is being adjusted and where my problem might come from.<br>

once more a lot of thanks in advance and best wishes - thomas</p>

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There is a spring driven hook that stops the filmadvance after you have wound on a frame and it is released by making an exposure, allowing you to wind on again. You will need to take the windknob and the side cover off to see it. I suspect the hook is just caught on some dirt and by cleaning it it will catch the wind knob again . If you already managed to turn two broken ones into an almost working Rolleicord this should be a walk in the park for you.
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<p>I have a Rolleicord III I just sent off to Paul Ebel for a CLA. Have used him before and he's excellent. Very friendly guy, easy to work with.<br>

<br /> This is just to affirm what was said about Paul in an earlier post. It does sound like you are capable of doing a lot of this yourself. My hat's off to you! I would not even attempt such a project.<br>

<br /> But, if you get stuck, Paul does great work. I can post contact information if you wish.<br>

<br /> My .02,<br>

<br /> Paul</p>

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<p>hi all,<br>

thanks for all the responses and especially for the one of roelof - i'll give it a try next time - sounds quite simple to do after all i already did to that camera(s). i just retested it a few times dry with an old film and was not able to reproduce the problem again. may it be eventually that the problem arises from mounting the camera on a tripod without a rolleifix (i.e. distortions on the chassis during winding) or from using different kinds of cable releases vs. hitting the shutter release directly by hand?<br>

once more, lots of thanks and best wishes from berlin - thomas</p>

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<p>What you describe is typical intermittent failure from dried grease and dirt. When you leave the camera sitting for a couple of days the problem will re-occur, as long as you exercise it it will be fine.<br>

Using the rolleifix only helps to avoid deformation of the back, it has no influence on the body. How you fire the shutter does not matter as long as you fire it the advance will be released.</p>

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