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Apple censoring my photo book.

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<p>Apple decided they're not going to print your one-off book.</p>

<p>I guess the question is now: Are you going to stew about it or move on and find a solution; ie another place that will print your book?</p>

<p>Surely there are places in Canada, right?</p>

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<br /> Sorry, I absolutely did not mean to say you were doing this - but <em>others</em> do this. Whenever anything needs justifying they immediately use terrorism or child porn as justification for whatever rule they are defending, and I assume you were referring to this phenomenon too - certainly <em>not </em> suggesting you were resorting to these tactics yourself.</p>

<p>Actually, Matt, in China (I know China) and other countries like it (I have personally worked in many of them, like Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc), most of the censorship is not censors actively doing stuff. It is tacit self-censorship. "We cannot do this as we could possibly incur the wrath of whatever authority". And that is what this feels like to me.</p>

<p>Yes, it may well be Apple weaseling. But I can only react to what they say, not to what I guess they might mean...</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Yes there are and I have already ordered one more from a US service - we will see what happens with that one.</p>

<p>Canada services are three times more costly - literally, the ones I have Googled and/or called are three times the Blurb price! No-one will buy the book if it costs them $75.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>expensive computer, they dont have a eject button for the cd drive and artist censored..dam Apple is really a bad companie...wonder what Blurb will say? im curious.</p>


<p>Michael, did you think that Canadian would be charging you 20$ for it? whe are not a 3rd world country! You want cheap book, search for a India base companie. And if youre book are good, i would pay more $ on it that you could think; 75$ for a well done well printed book sign and numbered..i will go for it.</p>

<p>As i said, i will get the first one ..if you ship it to Canada : )</p>

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<p>I just receive a calandar from Thailand, from Ziggy (member of PN). Transexual images (ladyboys) ! whaaaaa..censored! nope. well done piece. interesting subject and beautifull woman.<strong> ART not PRON</strong> . Receive it as a gift, see how open hetero french Canadian are..well at least i am (because whe also get or share of stupid idiot) ; )</p>

<p>Make a lot of page, print it well, hard cover please if possible, im serious..if you take paypal i will get one...but signed it ; )</p>

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<p>Keith: indeed. Or in America - <em>no offence intended</em> at all, but this is a typical American sensitivity, and for that reason, I am happier to do business anywhere else but America. The problem is that this is expensive. Local Toronto printers do, from what I see, a great job - but $15 for a basic book at Blurb turns into $40 for what is no doubt a better book here, and $35 for a big hardcover turns into $80 - that sort of thing. Personally I do not mind this, and if my customers can appreciate the quality difference, I will be trying it.</p>

<p>My current book is 40 pages (i.e. 20 sheet, two sided, obviously with many pictures).</p>

<p><strong>Let me ask a question here</strong> . What would YOU all be willing to pay? Say that you go to a gallery exhibition and like the work. You would not mind taking the book home. What are <em>you</em> willing to pay? $9.95? $19.50? $39.50? $75? $95?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>depend on to many factor.</p>

<p>know artist or not? alive or dead? do i see a future in art for this artist? do like is work enougn to shell out money on a book? on a piece of is collection? what book size? limited edition? etc...</p>

<p>like the SUMO book from Helmut..should have buy one when they where at 2000$..they are at 8500$ now..when you can find them.</p>

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<p>I buy images when they are of some interested, even if i can do the same images..i dont do image to copy other, and i dont buy images..i buy a vision, a style, a piece of history view by someone. I like to think that i also help the artist in is future venture : )</p>

<p>thats why i said that i will get a book from you Michael, because some subject touch me more than other for different reason.. and iamge book are always welcome.</p><div>00SZmJ-111693584.jpg.ab13445051a7e6733ec7d16e2f8f5e09.jpg</div>

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<p>Bill: I think perhaps you miss my point. As I said several times above, doing business with whom you choose is indeed not wrong.</p>

<p>Blaming it on government censorship and using "weasel words", however, is wrong. If there is in fact such government censorship that is disastrously wrong. If there is not, then telling or at least implying untruths is also wrong.</p>

<p>So in short:</p>


<li> if Apple says "we do not publish drug pictures", that is their right (though I would appreciate a clear policy so I do not waste my time). In turn it is my right never to do business with them anymore. No harm done and we are both within our rights. </li>

<li>But if they say "we cannot, due to US government rules" then that is wrong <em>either</em> because there are such rules, <em>or</em> because they are telling untruths. Both would be no-nos in my books (pun intended).</li>


<p>Kind regards,<br /> Michael</p>

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<p>Yeah, Jock is another example of people not liking what one takes picture of.</p>

<p>As for Apple's logos: no way. My books do not have the logo - in iPhote etc you can turn that off.</p>

<p>Blurb say my content should be just fine (based on my description), so it does seem to be just Apple.</p>



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<p>I am sure that does not include me - and the odd thing is, Bill, that I do not see myself as in any way breaking taboos here (unlike Mr Sturges who does break taboos - great work but taboo-breaking).</p>

<p>In my case, this is documentary photography of a type few would find inappropriate. Not only that, but I am being supported (and donations will be supporting) CAMH, one of North America's largest addiction hospitals. The whole intention of this is something that governments and even Apple would agree with. You'd think.</p>

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<p>Yes, agreed, and I have already talked to them. I'll do a trial book there too.</p>

<p>But that said: they are 2-3 times the US price. Not "30% more" but "200% more". Yes, better product, but my customers will be price sensitive. Put yourself in their shoes: you go to a gallery to see an exhibit. The pics move you and you;d like the book. But, for a small book it's $95. Would you buy? Most people I have asked put a top limit of $50 on a book like that, or $20-$25 if softcover.</p>

<p>So it's not MY price sensitivity. Nothing I'd like better than to sell a $200 book! But the market being what it is, the Canadian photo book industry will not take off, I fear, until they offer an affordable option.</p>

<p> </p>

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