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Does anyone hear live in Texas?


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<p>Hi Colton.<br>

I used to. You might want to give a little more detail where you are. remember it is well over 900 miles from Orange to El Paso. There are lots of places to go. Check out the publication on Watchable Wildlife Texas for some good ideas.</p>

<p>Some hotspots:<br>

Brazos State Park near Houston<br>

Aransas Wildlife Refuge<br>

The Big Thicket<br>

Big Bend National Park<br>

Guadaloupe Mts National Park<br>

Matagorda State Park<br>

Davis Mountains<br>

San Marcos River (for endemics)<br>

And there are FANTASTIC spots in the Valley, Like Santa Anna Wildlife Rfg , Bensen State Park<br>

and tons of costal locations<br>

I've never been up into the panhandle. And I only lived in Texas for 8 years!</p>

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<p>Colton, I live in the Dallas area. One of my favorite places to shoot is the Hill Country near Fredericksburg; especially in April when the Blue Bonnets are in bloom. I also like Enchanted Rock which is near there. One evening near dusk, I drove from Fredericksburg to Enchanted Rock (about 16 miles) and counted 50+ whitetail deer along the highway.<br>

I have been wanting to shoot whooping cranes at Aransas Wildlife Refuge, but that is an 8-hour drive from Dallas. </p>

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<p>Colton, I live in Houston, Texas and do a lot of nature photography. What kind of nature photography do you want to do? Birds, landscapes, macro, etc? In what part of Texas? The state is over 700 miles wide. Right now the Texas Gulf Coast around Houston is still recovery from Hurricane Ike so some of the usual bird places are very bad locations. I need more info to be of more help. Joe smith</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Colton, I would head for the Rio Grande Valley or to Big Bend or the Davis Mountians.<br>

<a href="http://www.mcallen.org/Nature-Birding/Destinations">http://www.mcallen.org/Nature-Birding/Destinations</a><br>

If you are willing willing to pay to be on a photo ranch, check out Lens and Land and similar locations at these sites:<br>

<a href="http://www.lensandland.com/">http://www.lensandland.com/</a><br>

<a href="http://www.imagesforconservation.org/nature-travel">http://www.imagesforconservation.org/nature-travel</a><br>

Joe Smith</p>

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<p>Hey Colton. Near Victoria? Then you have to go to Aransas. Javalena, Bobcat, Wild boar, Turkey, Nighthawks, etc. Take a winter boat trip out of Rockport and make all your friends envious of your Whooping Crane shots. The trip I took they actually grounded the boat and turned off the engine when we were close to birds which allowed decent photography.</p>

<p>You are also near the Atwater Wildlife Refuge. You might be able to photograpgh the very rare Atwater Prarie Chickens there.</p>

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