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Annoying ad on front page


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<p>You can also use the "My workspace" link to sign in. The ad was, as I understand, the argreement with Adorama and PN, but at least it's only on the home page, not all pages like before. If you widen your browser window just enough, you'll see the sign in stays put and the ad moves to its right. It's the reality of things here, and at least they don't have dancin' bears running across the navigation bar or a little helper icon asking, "So where would you like to go?"</p>
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<p>And I noticed that even having firefox remember my username and password it doesn't automatically show up like I assumed it would. I still have to start typing in my user name, to then have the password show up. So I still have to hit the sign in button many times to have the banner be removed. It is just in the most inconvenient place, which I'm assuming is why it's there, even if it tarnishes the users experience.</p>
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<p>I succeeded after 20 times to log in, tried using Tools->Options->Load Images Automatically (deseleting it) and reloading the page. Yesterday I couldnt log in for the second time...I thought it was only my browsers fault or sth...its a bit a matter of luck...I hope it will vanish when I sign in next time...</p>


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