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The 50D question, resolved


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<p>Today I got loose with my big lens (70-300 IS). That lens really works well, right up to about 265mm. It works ok, all the way up. I wanted to see what it would do, on the front of the 50D.<br>

<img src="http://www.MageProductions.com/cabin.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>This was post edited, of course. No sharpening - just touched up the gamma, contrast and exposure. I just noticed blow-outs on the paper-bark trees. Oh well. When the shot hit the monitor the frst thing I saw was no fringing where the sky shows through the branches. I was 300 feet away when I shot this house. I can see spider webs! Unbelievable!<br>

To see this you will need to download it and display it with something other than a web browser. All the shot info is in the file, for those that care. <br>

The 40D hit ebay this afternoon. 170302269873, if you wanna look. There were several of these shots. This is just the one I like. It's not the only one that delivered the goods, by any means. And, for those with a paper fetish, it looks real good on a 8x10 (though it doesn't really fit - lol).<br>

The 40D/50D thing is solved, for me at least. I thank all that replied.</p>

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<p>I liked my 50D more than my 40D immediately. I tried hard to find something wrong and delayed ditching my 40D for 3 months but the 50D proved a damn fine camera over & over. The old 40D went to a needy relative.</p>

<p>Every new model gets "burned in" by a firestorm of bitch 'n whine posts, mainly penned by desk bond photogeeks, self-appointed gear pundits, naysayers and mental midgets. Most of these clucking hens and internet parrots have never owned the gear they so distain. I recall what an incredible piece 'o crap many seemed to think the 10D, 20D, 30D & 5D were after lanch. Just before the 50D debuted the 40D was deemed old skool, MP poor, el crappo LCD and terribly behind the times. Now it's a friggen cool cat. Whatever, if it tickles your pickle, it's a dad burn pickle tickler deluxe.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>Every new model gets "burned in" by a firestorm of bitch 'n whine posts, mainly penned by desk bond photogeeks, self-appointed gear pundits, naysayers and mental midgets. Most of these clucking hens and internet parrots have never owned the gear they so distain.</p>



<p>No need to hold back, PF. Tell us what you really think. ;-)</p>

<p>I've sat back and listened to those naysayers critique this camera (some of whom obviously have never even held the 50D). All I can add is that their phantom copies must be pretty bad, however, <strong>my</strong> 50D makes pretty good photos.</p>

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<p>Interesting avenues open before me, seemingly without end.<br>

I was not satisfied with the 20D. The 30D, while refined, was still a 20D under the hood. The 40D is a good camera. I have no complaints, whatsoever, with it. I found that deal ($1,119) for the 50D and a new 28-135... and I could not resist. I tried, I really did. Lacking that deal, I seriously doubt I would have done this.<br>

I'm supposed to be a wedding photographer. Buisness is not down. Business is dead - stone dead. I live in a very poor place to do business. Is anyone else seeing this?<br>

Maybe Obama will turn out to be a magic momma. He will need all the power of Satan, and then some, to undo what that !@#$%^&*( ! Bush did as he and his raped this country, nearly to death.</p>

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<p>De Lenzer -- a little Netiquette: you posted a 4MB! 700 pixel wide image. Wonder why? Learn your tools as well -- post processing is as important as you eyes, camera, lenses, and exposure. No reason to post a GIGANTIC image inline wihti your question.</p>
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<p>Bill - that deal is at Circuit City. You will have to find a store that still has a 50D, in order to get it. Hurry, if you want it, because this is getting harder to do, each and every day!<br>

You might use google to find stores around you (Circuit City site is closed) or you might get a nice person at a store to search for a cam. And yes, they CAN still do that - I saw it on Thursday.</p>

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<p>De Lenzer -- you posted a 700 px image, 4MB, from your website. Weird to say the least. Who cares if the rendered image is 700px, it's still a silly 4MB.</p>

<p>Learn basic Netiquette, give people the option. As some one BORN in Terre Haute (myself), it's good advice.</p>

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