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Bronica SQ-A with AE Prism?


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<p>Hey everyone.<br>

I just recently purchased an SQA kit which is in the mail now. It only came with a standard prism however, and I'd like to use a metered prism. There are several "AE Prisms" on KEH which in the title state "Bronica SQ/SQA/SQAM", but when you go to the description it states, "Convert your SQ-Ai body to an aperture-priority, auto exposure camera, instantly!"<br>

I'd just like to confirm: is this a typeo? E.g., can I use the AE prism on a SQA body and still get aperture priority?<br>

Thanks,<br /> -Patrick</p>

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<p>As far as I'm aware the SQA will accept and use any of the metered prisms.</p>

<p>You will find though that the metering is pretty primitive compared to what you might be used to with a modern slr. The most common available is probably the Ae Prism S , which whilst it works in aperture priority mode, and can be set to auto or manual, is actually an old-fashioned average meter. Probably fine for colour neg or b&w work, but in my view anyway doesn't provide enough information for the more demanding exposure of slide film. There is a subsequent model which uses spot metering of a sort, but they are rarer, having only been around a few years prior to discontinuation of the SQAi. I have the Ae finder S , and though I use it as a viewfinder I measure exposure with a hand-held spotmeter. </p>

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<p>Patrick, I have in the past owned an SQA ( I now use an SQAi) and used it with a metered prism, and it does indeed work in an aperture priotrity auto exposure mode with this model.<br>

The exposure system works pretty well with slide film, but the prism does make the camera a bit heavy compared to the waist level finder, and the view through the prism is pretty dim by comparison. Also, the image magnification is quite small at only 2X, which is why I no longer use the prism.</p>

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