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Neck strap for 40D

c jensen

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<p>hello Chris:</p>

<p>I have the 40D and I gave-up on neck straps.</p>

<p>Have you tried a hand-strap? I find them more comfortable and I can get the camera to my eye, and shooting, much quicker.</p>

<p>I bought a couple of these (one for 40D and one for EOS 3):</p>


<p>There are other, less expensive, hand-straps available, but, the Camdapter adapter also fits into my RRS brand tripod and monopod heads.</p>

<p>My only word of caution is: before you cut the excess strap material from the hand-strap (after you mount it to the camera), make sure you leave enough to expand the strap for use with gloves (if you live in a place where gloves are necessary part of the year). The directions I received from the company made no mention of this.</p>

<p>Cheers! Jay</p>

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<p>I picked up a pair of Tamrac N-5059 straps with quick release buckles and leather pads. I have found them to be very comfortable and I really like the quick release buckles. Some worry about the strength of the quick releases But I've tested them to over 100lbs with no sign of problems.<br>

I have tried a neoprene strap and didn't like it as well as the leather.</p>

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<p>Not sure how easy they are to find, but I use a Roots neoprene strap with air pockets and it's the most comfortable I've come across. I hike with a 100-400 zoom on a 30D and 5D and it's rock solid, and very comfortable even with the heavy weight. Great straps.</p>
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<p>When I use my 70-200 2.8 IS, which is a little heavier than other zooms of the same range, I use the BlackRapid strap. It attaches to the lens and is easy to carry as well as quick to access. When I shoot field sports, the above mentioned set-up tucks behind my back while using longer lenses on a monopod.</p>
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<p>I currently use an Up-Strap Kevlar SLR strap for my 40D, which I recommend if you're mostly going to carry it on the shoulder. For the neck, Op-Tech, but I find that they wear out pretty fast. One downside for the Up-Strap is that it's not very compact, and if you're going to sling it around your neck, it's not so comfortable if you're not wearing a collared shirt or jacket. Haven't tried the Domke or Think Tank straps, though I probably will in the future when I get a new Canon body. </p>
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<p>The only straps I use on any of my cameras--Canons and Leicas--are those made by UPstrap. They are the best, absolutely nonslip under most conditions. Been using them for 10+ years. Go to <a href="http://www.http//www.upstrap-pro.com/">www.http://www.upstrap-pro.com/</a> You will NOT be disappointed!</p>
Jeffrey L. T. von Gluck
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<p>Forgot to mention that you can get away with the"RF/DC" model UPstrap. It's much more compact. It's designed for rangefinder cameras and medium-sized digitals, but the manufacturer recommends it for the 40D as opposed to the larger straps recommended for the bigger Canon digitals. I've been using it for over a year with my 40D and have never been disappointed. The manufacturer straps are generally crap.</p>
Jeffrey L. T. von Gluck
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<p>You got to try the handstrap. You can use it in conjuction with the neck strap. I have not used my neck strap since I got the hand strap. I feel like I have a much more steadier hand and control over the camera.<br>

I got the canon model "Canon E1 - Hand strap"</p>

<p>Good luck,<br>


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