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POW 2009 Feb 1st


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<li>Adam: Thats my type of shot, reminds me of one I took this summer with the foreground fire and the stars in the background. Didn't make the cut though, just not exactly what I wanted. </li>




<li>Javier: I liked your protest shots a lot from a few weeks ago, but these are great. You're looking like you found a niche!! The scenes are great, but the exposures, contrast, grain etc are all spot on. These were all film? </li>




<li>Jemal: Love the top down shot! </li>




<li>Pat: Keep em coming! The ice racing looks sweet, I've been doing a little myself at this abandoned linens and things lot. We pass by it pretty frequently on our way home, and I take a few laps! </li>




<li>Rose, that top hockey shot is pretty good. You just need to brighten it about a stop. What ISO did you use?</li>




<li>Robert, love the 1st sunset shot and the wrestling shot is cool. </li>




<li>Haig, those glass shots are interesting, looks like a great place to photograph, and the bird came out well. </li>




<li>Andrew H, freezing fog always creats some great opportunities, nicely done. </li>


<p> </p>


<li>Duane, what is your secret for the catchlights, you always get such distinct catchlights on the kids portraits. </li>




<li>Garry, the chairs are cool. And the lighting on the other two is great</li>




<li>Dave, the details on the icey plants are great</li>




<li>Chune, the third one works for me, nicely done.</li>


<p><a title="Toys" href=" Toys title="Toys"> <img src="http://static.flickr.com/3415/3242386745_6d4314b4cb_m.jpg" border="0" alt="" /> </a> <a title="Toys" href=" Toys title="Toys"> </a></p>

<p>As far as the effect I used for the bike shot. It was HDR from a series of JPEGs from my wifes Panasonic FX01. Then I used the orton effect and burned in the edges a little (probably not enough). While named after some Orton guy, one of my favorite photogs, Tim Ernst, used this effect quite a bit in camera on Pentax medium format 645.</p>

<p>The idea is to take two exposures, either as a double exposure on a single frame, or sandwhich two slides, one sharp and one out of focus. Digitally this can be done with a single image by duplicating the layer, and then softening it various ways to get an image that is at once in focus and has a softdreamy effect.</p>

<p>If you are doing it in the camera you merely need to take a sharp first shot, then rotate the focus ring and take a second shot out of focus. Make sure you compensate for the exosure (-1 EV).</p>

<p>Tim Ernst published quite a few wildflower photos using this effect, which I've always referred to as the Ernst Effect!</p>

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<p>Thanks Justin. A retired newspaper photographer, Terry McDonald, told me not long ago to focus on the eyes and keep a window or other natural light source at your back when photographing people indoors with a fast 50. That's all I've been doing. Here are the settings from each of the shots:<br>

Brooke - manual, f2.8, 1/250, ISO 1600</p>

<p>Owen - manual, f2, 1/90, ISO 800</p>

<p>Kiera - manual, f2, 1/45, ISO 400</p>

<p>Jaida - manual, f2, 1/125, ISO 800</p>

<p>All photos were taken with the metering set for center-weighted, You can see I change the ISO quite a bit indoors, it's a little cumbersome on the K100D Super and another of the reasons I'm looking at a K20D or K30D if it comes out soon.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Justin, I took your advice completely - right before the game started I moved the ISO to 1600, and then played with the white balance - ended up putting that on custum - and had it cranked to the furthest left top, but still the white wasn't completely there - and in post processing it was a b*tch to figure out how high to increase the exposure level in PS3. It's definitely a challenge to photo-shop the noise... I miss those sunny flower pics. :D</p>
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<p>So much splendid work again !<br>

Here's my harvest, from a visit to the local city-hall.<br>

These are called "when not confused....you're misinformed :) (nrs 1, 2 and 3)<br>

<img src="http://static.zoom.nl/1A31EBDD6203F26320B5443B28B20B86.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="483" /></p>

<p><img src="http://static.zoom.nl/FA6ED6E955289AE5B3723F61445A02B7.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="472" /></p>

<p><img src="http://static.zoom.nl/C75FC669049CD42A5D7551B612F37DF5.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="469" /></p>

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<p>These are such great photos, it is really intimidating! At my age, though, that is less a problem than it once was. That said, I was at work with my K10D and the M28 f2.8. We had a small return of winter weather, thought it might be interesting. Some are hand held, all in manual exposure. The available light was very mixed, and it shows dramatically.</p>


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<p>The last post has a photo with the wrong title, it is "Tower as night" You can see the red lights of windmills on the horizon.<br>

The next photo is "Steel and lights", and hopefully if I can do it, a second "Tower and lights"<br>

These are my first posts, so don't have a good handle on uploading photos yet!</p><div>00SJtE-107996084.jpg.10e4984fd3692fc0b1d35ccf0a5c8fe4.jpg</div>

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<p>Folks, Thank you for all the comments!!!<br>

Justin, those where shot with my K20D and Tamron 28-75F/2.8 My new favorite combo for street shooting. That combo focuses incredibly fast and as a result I have few missed images. Since I have been shooting allot of film (tri-x), I have a feeling for what I want in an image and I try and duplicate it with film The difference is that I spend allot of time in PP digital and on film, I scan it and am ready to go in 5 minutes. Thanks for the compliments. They mean allot to me. :)</p>

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<p><strong>Well, this is perhaps the most difficult POW to choose my three favs for the week. The work here is splendid to say the least.In no particular order.<br /> </strong> <br /> <strong>Chune..... ''<strong>Bubbly Fun'' is simply spot on. Her facial expression, composition, bokeh...I love the image!!!!</strong> </strong> <br /> <strong><br /> </strong> <br /> <strong>Duane ..... While every single one of your portraits is great, ''Owen's'' is my Favorite. You really have the tones right! Are you using filters?</strong> <br /> <strong><br /> </strong> <br /> <strong>Haig .... The time you spent on your ''antelope horns'' was well worth the effort. Is that an actual plant? It is rich, sharp as a tack and perfect in every way!!!!</strong> <br /> <strong><br /> </strong> <br /> <strong>Folks, well done!!</strong></p>
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<p>Beerbrain / Ronny - Great feel in the old building photo, nicely processed too.</p>

<p>Subho - looks like a dog eat dog situation. Great action capture.</p>

<p>Patrick - that looks like a blast! Outstanding action captures.</p>

<p>Adam - wonderful combination of sky and fire lighting, great colors too.</p>

<p>Steve - great DOF with that new DA* 50-135. Have fun with the new toy!</p>

<p>Hansen - That's really shallow DOF. The Cosina looks like it'll be fun for portraits.</p>

<p>O'Shiva - you are unquestionably the master of architectural photography. Very nicely done. I look forward to seeing your contribution each week.</p>

<p>John Dawson - great images and terrific lighting in the last. Kudos.</p>

<p>Javier - Thanks and Thanks again for your "Obsession List" post as it made me dig out the 50 and avoid flash. I'm going to leave the 50 on the camera for a while and use it as much as possible since I have neglected this little gem for far too long. The only filter used was a 49mm Hoya UV 0. Cheers.</p>

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<p>Well, let me leave a few comments, simply because I enjoy looking at these shots - the shooters may as well be aware of the pleasure they have brought!</p>


<li>Javier - you have found your calling on the streets!</li>

<li>Rose - I'm impressed with the hockey shots. I tried to take shots of my wife and kids skating at a rink, and I could sit or stand anywhere, and yet I still did not take very good shots!</li>

<li>Bob Colameco - great action shot!</li>

<li>Bob Marz - Wow! Great light! Love the shots - and not just because there are no fish!!! ;-))</li>

<li>Andrew - spikey is cool, stark and cold. I like.</li>

<li>Duane - great kid shots, and great advice you got - thanks for passing it on!</li>

<li>Jemal - Saddam is a great b&w, nice atmosphere.</li>

<li>Ronny - I love all the buildings, doors and windows you shoot - you have a gift with openings!!</li>

<li>Subho - good action capture, they look happy - and not cold!?????? (Tropical member here!)</li>

<li>Patrick - great stuff! I'm jealous - except that I'm actually warm, so ... (I have seen snow before - once!)</li>

<li>Haig - Antelope horns is even better!</li>

<li>Adam - warm and cold is really special. More atmosphere in that shot than many of mine together!</li>

<li>Steve - I like tiny dof! Nice abstract. Makes me wanna go on a macro speil!</li>

<li>Hansen - nice chopper - post more!</li>

<li>Dorus - are all the buildings where you live just amazing or what!?!?</li>

<li>John Dawson - excellent first posting. I love the mix of lighting, especially in the second.</li>


<p>I am glad to be a part of this! Good week guys!</p>

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<p>sorry Lousa, I'm hard as nails......<br>

- a picture like the smarties-one should really be sharp, especially in the front.<br>

- the hairs-picture is rubbish, honestly<br>

- the running-water-picture is actually very nice, I will steal the idea from you.<br>

which I'm sure you don't mind after me being so honest and gentle....</p>

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I appreciate the honesty, thank you.<br>

The skittles picture: I am not sure how to get more area in focus yet but I do like that the back is blurred.<br>

For some reason, I quite like the dog fur picture. I hate the brown at the bottom, but the actual fur strands intrigue me. (I think in another thread I've mentioned that I am odd! LOL)</p>


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<p>Louisa, I can answer how to improve the focus area - you need a tripod - then, you change the aperture until widen the focal area. If you switch the lens to manual, it will give you more control on what the focus range is, too.<br>

I also like that water picture. <br>

But the dog hair pic is plain weird. :) but then... you should know that most pentaxians are CAT PEOPLE. We just don't know what to do with dogs... they take to much work to walk them... </p>

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