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The Constant Eye - my new book! <<< Shameless self promotion


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<p>My new book "The Constant Eye, Vol.1" is finally available.<br>

<img src="http://www.theconstanteye.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/0209081303-1.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="341" /><br>

You can see it <a href="http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/493489">here</a> or go to the website <a href="http://www.theconstanteye.com">theconstanteye.com</a> where you can see the pics and comment on them.<br>

Hope you like the pictures!<br>

Cheers, Paul.</p>

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<p>Very nice book Paul. I am pleased to see someone else I know is using Blurb. I have 4 books on there, beginners books really. I am working on a travel book, it is up to about 260 pages in 8x10 landscape and only 2/3 done! So some editing is going to be required! LOL<br>

However, having done those, I understand how much work is involved in being editor, publisher, stylist etc etc for a book, even a small one. I am already starting to take pictures for my NEXT one and I am still working on the LAST one!<br>

I congratulate you and wish you every success. I would be interested in knowing how many "page views" you get, mine being only about 18-36 weekly and no sales yet.<br>


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<p>Congratulations Paul! I know from recently publishing my book this month how much work is really involved. And not all of it is fun!<g> In fact it felt like downright work toward the end. I've enjoyed your images in the past and glad to see you have a new book about them.</p>

<p>Carol, It's always good to know other self-publishers here at photo.net. I love the Blurb publishing interface as much as I hate it<g>.</p>

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<p>Since we're on the subject of Blurb - does anyone know of alternative systems that allow upload of a large format book in pdf or InDesign format? That would be a deal clincher for me.<br>

Thanks again for the positive feedback.<br>

Cheers. Paul.</p>

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