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focus screen for 5d2


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<p>I have the 5D2 having moved to it from the 40D. It's better of course for the most part but the most noticeable difference is the lack of low light focus ability. It reminds me more of my previous Rebel xti. I believe Canon makes some other focus screens to make manual focus easier, the old ground glass or split image look. I think in real low light it would be easier just to focus manually with an old style focus screen. Will I still get the auto focus confirmation red lights if I switch to these screens? Has anyone else used these and have an opinion?<br>



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<p>are you comparing the same lenses on the 40D and 5D? I own the old 5D and the 40D and I actually find that the 5D focuses at least as well, if not better in low light - at least in non-servo mode. As I use the 5D for nn-action type photography I am very happy with its low-light performance.<br>

I also use a lot of old Nikon MF lenses with the 5D and I did try a number of focus screens. The EE-S is probably our best shot - it does make manual focusing much easier. I also just got the Bright screen split image focus screen and I am still testing it - I am not sold on it yet. It dims the view by quite a bit outside of the focus circle.<br>

All your other functions, incl. focus confirmation beep will still work with any of the screens offered</p>

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<p>There are several screens available both from Canon and from third parties. The 5D is made to have easy access to changing these. The crop bodies only have 3rd party available and are just a tad more difficult to change the screen on. You won't lose AF point leds by changing.</p>

<p>Unfortunately Canon does not make a split screen. I use an ECB from Canon which is for the EOS 1 series film bodies. There is a vendor that takes these stock screens and grinds them down to fit the 5D. I can't recall the vendors name but google it or search here and you'll find him. Works very well for me.</p>

<p>I also occasionally us the EES. This is a very dark matt screen for manual focus. It's indicated for me when I"m doing controlled studio work or macro work. I'd never use it for event/field work. In the 5D they pop in and out in a few seconds.</p>

<p>As for the crop bodies I have, the 30D got a permanent repalcement with a catz eye splitscreen/prism. This works great and it's too much hassle to change so it stays full time. I innitially tried a custom ground one for this but it did not fit, so went to catzeye.</p>

<p>My Xti has no screen upgrade. This body would lose the AF red light confirmation feature if I pulled the stock screen. The other bodies have two seperate screens for focus and af point selection. Not this one.</p>

<p>Hope all that helps.</p>

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<p>When I had the 1D mk ii you could use the EC-B focusing screen. It was great (split circle in the middle with matte field focusing circle around that). <br>

However that will not work with the 5D mk ii. They have 3 screens for the 5D mk ii. EG-A (Standard with Camera), EG-D (Grid) and EG-S (Matte). The last one is the best option Canon currently has for you but I think it is truly substandard compared to the EC-B screen above. I attached a link below to the item on BB Photo. The disclaimer to use only with fast lenses is interesting as one of the reasons I moved to the 5D mkii was I liked the 24-105f4L. With the 1.3X crop I had the lens was not all that useful. Going full frame and being able to shoot at a higher ISO made this lens extremely useful. It also is the reason why I won't buy the EG-S below as I am unlikely to have my fast lenses on the camera nearly as much as my multi=purpose lenses. If they come out with something close to the EC-B I'll get it but the one below has no split on it and is too dark for my purposes.<br>

<a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/590458-REG/Canon_3357B001_Eg_S_Super_Precision_Matte.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/590458-REG/Canon_3357B001_Eg_S_Super_Precision_Matte.html</a></p>


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<p>I changed the screens to the matt version in both my 40D and also my new 5D II the reason for this is to be able to use and focus non Canon lenses. Screens to use are the matt EGS in case of the 5D II they snap into focus nicely, I did not find focus slowing down and even with a f2.8 lens on the 5D II set to f4 there are no problems the EGS is a little darker but I do not agree reaction is slower than the 40D , I do use center focus for this.</p>
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