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I paid for the upgrade but no upgrade


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<p>What were you expecting to happen?<br>

I also subscribe, I have had the opportunity to learn and grow threw this site as a photographer. $25.00 is a small price to pay to give something back to help support this site..</p>

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<p>It has become quite clear that paid members have the banner next to their name denoting their status. As of 10:19 Eastern Time this morning, I don't see a banner next to his name. Yes, the site was down last night for at least an hour.</p>

<p>Keep checking back in the forum. An admin always checks the questions and makes sure they are answered.</p>

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<p>If there is no response to your posting here in a while, just click on "Contact Photo.net" option at the bottom of this page. That sends an e-mail directly to Josh and will be answered in due course as soon as he can get to it.</p>
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<p>The system (when working normally) should credit subscription pretty much right away. However if there's a glitch in the subscription processsing system, it may require manual activation of your subscriber account. Simply contact Josh at <a href="mailto:contact@photo.net">contact@photo.net</a> or (better) via the <a href="http://www.photo.net/info/contact-us">http://www.photo.net/info/contact-us</a> link and he'll manually activate your subscription. He does sleep and eat and otherwise have a life, so he's not waiting for email 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, so there will be some delay between you writing and your subscription activation. Normally that's less than 24hrs, but if it's not there's no need to panic. Your subscription will be activated!</p>
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