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Broni rf 100mm lens


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To those people that showed interest, I have just received some

tannies back shot with the 100mm.i haven`t as yet scanned any images

but will do so over the weekend.

I took some shots wide open at a grey sky and can see no trace of

vignetting what so ever.( with the supplied lens hood but no filter)

The framing for the lens in the viewfinder seems to be quite accurate.

Will stick an image on my site soon.


Dave C

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I had a few problems with the exposure compensation dial moving on it`s own so have now taped it down so not many images to choose from but this is about the best of the first roll. At full res the detail in the woman`s jumper is very good, framing quite good but you do notice the lack of DOF. The 65mm lens is so good and fairly close to the tele in terms of focal length that it makes you wonder if a crop from that lens would just as well.There are some people who have E mailed me and are thinking of purchasing this lens so to save bandwidth perhaps anyone else interested just mail me. See link below for image.




Dave C

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