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Which scanners If I'm purchasing 2, for prints and film?

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<p>Re. my recent post on a perfect digital darkroom that I'm trying to design in a post above: Any suggestions on the best scanners for prints (best flatbed) to be combined with a drum scanner for film. An Epson 750 combined with a Nikon CoolScan 9000? Actually the 750 may not be big enough but which suggestions for the perfect set-up?</p>
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<p>Don't know about larger flatbeds, but the Nikon 9000 is a very good scanner, but it's not a drum scanner though it is a dedicated film scanner. I just got the 9000 and am really happy with it at this point. The next level up would be the Imacon scanners, and then you get into the drum scanners.</p>
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<p>At the risk of being corrected, I have read in several places that for scanning prints there is very little to choose between flatbeds as long as they have 48-bit colour depth. And the technology that separates the V750 from its (much) cheaper siblings is aimed at film scanning. If this is true (and you are already getting a drum scanner) then go can go cheap!</p>
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