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Used is used, but I didn't expect this...


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<p>So, I ordered a used K10D body from Adorama that was described as being in excellent condition. It arrived today without a cap on the body, the LCD is scratched and there is significant dust inside the body (no <strong>surprise</strong> there, huh?).<br>

Doesn't this seem a little off to you or am I being too picky? By the way, Adorama's description stated that it included all accessories.<br>

Even if I ignore the LCD scratch,<em> am I wrong to assume that a body cap would be a pretty basic accessory?</em><br>

Pretty disappointing.<em><br /> </em></p>



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<p>You could try covering the LCD with screen protector film, that may cover up the scratch fairly well. Adorama tends to rate condition on their used inventory too highly (unlike KEH which tends to understate condition) but if the listing doesn't say it comes with caps then it's never wise to assume it has a cap, regardless of the vendor. Is any of the dust seriously stuck to the sensor?</p>
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Yes, this is pretty bush league for a place that has a fairly high reputation. Of course there should be a body cap; they also should have noted the LCD scratch.<br>

Now the issue of more consequence is whether the dust is bad enough to prevent you from using the camera in a reasonable manner. Have you attempted to blow it out?<br>

How bad is the LCD scratch? An LCD on a DSLR is not as critical a component as with a point and shoot. I use the LCD to quickly see what's in the frame, and evaluate how dark or blown my lighting is. Most important to me is the state of the histogram. A scratch or two on the LCD is not going to prevent me from achieving these actions.<br>

If you cannot use the camera normally, then return it with a note. You may also want to take a few photos of the body without the cap and the scratched LCD.<br>


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<p>I think it is unacceptable to sell or ship a digital SLR without a body cap, given what we all know about sensors and dust, not to mention the other bits that need protection from the outside world. Without a body cap, it can hardly be called in excellent condition. You did not get what you paid for, in my (not always humble) opinion.</p>
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<p>That k10d would not meet my expectation of "excellent" condition either. It does seem there is quite a difference in ratings of used equipment. But I do agree with the kudoos for KEH.; they are conservative in their ratings. I've made several purchases from them; usually after getting tired of losing ebay auctions. Sometimes they are less some times a bit more than the going ebay rate, but the equipment is usually as or better than described.</p>

<p>Last week I received a couple of Nikon flashed from them. A little SB-30 for optically triggering off camera flashes without P-ttl pre-flash hassles; it was billed as excellent condition. And a SB-26 which was supposed to be in bargain condition. I wonder if I got the right SB-26 because I'd call the one I received excellent condition. I like KEH they take the hassle and surprise out of buying used equipment.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Your personal dissatisfaction alone is good enough reason to send it back. That said, even though you are probably really disappointed because it looks rough; I'd say it's probably usable. Doesn't mean you're going to feel great about the purchase; but, mechanically, I think it's probably good to go. </p>

<p>If you turn on the LCD and there's a big black blob around that scratch, or a lot of electrical craziness near it; okay, that scratch is too deep. Otherwise, it works.</p>

<p>The dust in the photo looked like it was on the mirror. I'd just hit it with a brush and some soft air. The Pentax cameras, some of them have a self-cleaning function in the on-board menus. The sensor itself might not be that dusty. Slap that bad beast on bulb and look at the sensor itself. If it's as dusty as the mirror, it's a not going to work out. If there's like, one piece of lint, use the self-clean. </p>

<p>It could be okay. I sympathize with you, though. Something about a digital camera; they're pricey; and, it's just easy to really wonder if you invested in the right thing. I know those problems must look horrible; but, one day in a really harsh environment could put your camera through more abuse. Good luck. I'm sorry to see you had a bad experience. </p>


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<p>I second (third? fourth?) the comments for KEH.<br>

Their "bargains" are usually ebay sellers' "excellent" condition.<br>

I bought five Minolta 2800AF flashes in "bargain" condition from KEH... for $7.00 a pop. They're not much, but they have 1/16 and 1/1 power and have a low trigger voltage. Much better than the $30 - $40 Vivitar 283's you get on ebay (I got two... and both blew up in a few days)<br>

I'm having tons of fun with them "strobist style." And Pentax DSLR's trigger them just fine (albeit only at 1/16 or 1/1), the Minolta dedicated pins don't do anything bad.</p>

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<p>I got my SB-30 ordered this week. $41 for like new condition. This was after losing an ebay bid at $37. The price difference was $13 total, but worth it considering the hassle of getting this flash that still retails for $100 some places!</p>

<p>The CR123 batteries are a bummer, but concessions have to be made for small and light...and the lithium battery is that concession.</p>

<p>As far as the camera....SEND IT BACK...I wouldn't even bother with it. I believe you could get all the dust out, and the LCD scratch seems to be below the viewing area, but at best this is a good or bargain grade camera. Definitely not excellent. That alone is reason to send it back. <br /> <br /> No worries though, while Adoramas grading is a bit shady, I've never had any problems with anything being returned, and they even send a prepaid label to you for defective products.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I do apologize for the inconvenience, and can assure you that this sounds like simple error, which we will certainly correct right away.<br>

We have approximately 20,000 used cameras and lenses in our warehouse - it looks to me as though somebody wasn't giving their job full attention and has simply picked it from the wrong section.<br>

If you email me directly: <a href="mailto:helen.oster@adoramacamera.com">helen.oster@adoramacamera.com</a>, with your order number, I will ensure that a returns label is sent out to you, and that that a replacement body is hand-picked by the assistant head of the used department.<br>


BTW, with any problem concerning an order from Adorama or AdoramaPix, you really only ever need to drop me an email, with your order number, and I will resolve it for you!<br>




Helen Oster<br>

Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador<br>

<a href="mailto:helen.oster@adoramacamera.com">helen.oster@adoramacamera.com</a></p>


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<p>I'm over in Boston. Here's the link if you want to read for yourself.</p>

<p><a href="http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/pho/1004183159.html">http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/pho/1004183159.html</a><br>

Yes, no pictures posted - but he may be willing to email some - prior to my taking the drive. (not sure where n. dighton is... could be an interesting l'il road trip. :))</p>

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<p>Paul, I have purchased used items from Adorama over several years usually for quite reasonable prices and been satisfied with the products except on perhaps two occasions.<br>

One time I decided to keep the item at a reduced price; they mailed a check for the difference immediately. The second time they sent a prepaid return shipping label for an incorrect item and sent the correct item right out. On both occasions they were very responsive to either the telephone or email.<br>

I hope you'll post your results once all is settled and you have the camera you want. Good luck!</p>

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