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Epson v700 landscape tips for pure b&w

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<p>New to digital images, where can I learn to convert color film scan to b&w with deep shadows and high contrast like the b&w seen on:<br /><br /><a onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview ('/outgoing/http_jeannichols_com_');" rel="nofollow" href="http://jeannichols.com/" target="_blank">http://jeannichols.com/</a><br /><br />Do you recommand a book? Tutorial on the web? <br /><br />I just bought the Epson V700 scanner.Thank you,</p>
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<p>Hello. We use the Epson V750 and have found the SilverFast scanning software to give us the best control for b&w scanning. They also have some excellent presets built in for various film types and this is very useful. I would encourage you to scan flat, keep the shadows open and the highlights below 250. You can always adjust these in Photoshop with levels and curves. We are also using Nik Software Silver Effects and this is an excellent tool for doing b&w. It saves countless hours as a Photoshop Plugg-in. You can get this through us at a very good price. Hope this helps.<br>

Eric at www.digitalsilverimaging.com</p>

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