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Missing printer settings

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<p>Larry, What program are you printing through? If it is Photoshop you have a three part and slightly confusing menu. Hitting Print from Photoshop will take you to the middle Adobe Page with an image layout on the left and color management options on the right. From there go to Page Setup (page 1) and choose your printer from the Format For box (the default is Any Printer), choose your paper size and hit OK bringing you back to the middle page with the image to the left.<br>

Now, choose your printer again from the Printer box. This can be different if you have multiple printers installed and can depend on which printer you used last. Select the correct options from the boxes on the right, most likely leaving Document checked, Photoshop Manages Colors if you are printing through a profile, then choose the profile, rendering intent etc. and hit Print which will take you to the third page (confused yet?) where:<br>

you must choose the printer again, or at least check that you are on the correct printer and you can choose your paper Presets. If you don't have a bunch more options available hit the Up/Down button to the right and you will get more options, among them a box that defaults to Layout. In there you will find the rest of the options.<br>

One of those areas where Adobe, Mac and Epson all stand around pointing at the other guys.<br>

If you are printing out of most other programs you will arrive at the last page first and you can hit the Up/Down button and find the rest of the options.<br>

Good luck!</p>

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<p>I can tell you what I did to finally get my HP printer to be fully functional on my Imac, but you ain't gonna like the answer. Out of total frustration and after exploring every other option (new drivers, calls to HP and Apple, forums, etc) I finally bought a copy of Windows XP, loaded it on my Mac, and all my problems were solved! I now do all my photo related stuff, including Photoshop on the Windows side. The Mac is a fine computer for surfing the web that "plug and play" and "it just works" I find to be pretty much of a myth. </p>
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