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35RC foam placement


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<p>Does anyone know the correct foam placement for the back on a 35RC? It appears that the rotting foam was replaced once before incorrectly but I'm not sure. There was foam both in the groove on the body and around the parameter of the door with an extra thick 1/4 inch piece along the latch side of the door. On the hinge side there was foam both on the body and the door.<br>

Thanks, John R.</p>

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<p>I have a PDF of the 35RC foam replacement that I got when I purchased a foam kit from Jon Goodman at:</p>


<p>I did the seals on a Konica S3 and was thinking about doing the same on an Oly 35RD but didn't end up getting one. Anyway, Jon sent me 35RC instructions in PDF form and they detail where the foam goes. I notice that the Olympus 35RC isn't mentioned on the site. Drop me an e-mail and I can send them to you or you might try contacting Jon.</p>

<p>FWIW, the kit is well worth the $10 as it does multiple cameras and Jon was super helpful. I highly recommend it.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks Patrick, John and Kevin, much appreciated. I still have a Jon Goodman kit from 5 years ago. I've done 3 cameras and there is still plenty left, those kits seem to go on forever. The camera, except for a few marks around the strap lugs is mint and with a 675 zink-air battery agrees with my Luna Pro reflected reading. Somebody already must have had the top off because with a 10X loop you can see very slight indication of tool marks on the shutter dial screw. The VF/RF is also clean, bright and in alignment. Can't wait to get this baby back into service.<br>

regards, John R.</p>

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