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What digital point and shoot do you use?

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<p>So I just sold my Olympus Stylus to my little brother and am now camera-less.. well, point & shoot-less.. I had my Stylus for about three or four years and it was a gift so I actually have had no experience camera buying for myself. I have purchased very simple p&s's for my husband and father [both cameras had an "easy" button] but otherwise, I haven't even looked at more advanced point and shoots.. I would like to get a new camera. I am open to purchasing used if the camera is still somewhat new (1-2 years old) and has good features. </p>

<p>The catch- although I'd love to drop some cash on something fancy like the new Leica or Canon g9 or g10, I simply cannot. I'd like to stay under $300 if it's new.</p>

<p>I really like the underwater Olympus' as I do spend a lot of time underwater, lol.. Well, I like to bring my camera everywhere and some of the best pictures I have I took with an underwater 35mm in Hawaii. Also, I like the features on Olympus cameras.. I am not sure how quality compares to other brands however.</p>

<p>The most important thing to me is short lag time. Also, I like being able to review shots and then being able to go right back to shooting, without pressing or swiching anything. This is not super important but I do like the option. I like having some control as well.. A manual setting would be ideal but I'm not sure how many point and shoots boast that splendid option.</p>

<p>So, whaddaya got for me?</p>

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<p>Lumix DMC-FX30 with Leica lens!<br>

Quality and colours are great... Jaimee, I tried underwater Olympus in Half Moon Cay, and the quality of pictures was nice, I remember that short video clips were very good....For a while, I was selling digital point and shoot cameras, and somehow, from the choice that we had, Canon was always my number one....</p>

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<p>Ricoh GX-100 and Nikon Coolpix 8400. The GX-100 is really fast and a joy to use. I can set everything manual and can store two settings (for instance: bw-mode, square format, zoom equivalent to 24mm, focus 1 meter, f-stop 2.4, exposure A-mode with -1/3 correction) as „MY“-setting. With the wheel on top of this neat camera I can really fast select setting one or two. But the GX-100 is not waterproof and is probably over $300. <br>


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<p>I use a Fujifilm E 550. It's an old model but I use it for two reasons. It can shoot in RAW and it has one of the lowest shutter lag times in a P&S camera. Also has excellent image quality (within the usual small P&S ISO range). It's as quick as the DSLR's I have used and has an M setting. Not sure about the water capabilities. These have been known to get a zoom error, but it's caused from not keeping the zoom barrel clean when you turn it off. Just give the barrel a wipe before you power off and no worries.</p>
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