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new to film photography - help me choose my new camera please


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<p>Hi guys,<br>

first happy new year :)<br>

second - im not sure if this is the right forum to write<br>


i shoot digital but in last few months i somehow got posessed by a film camera. i would like to buy one of these<br>

contax g2, contax t2, konica hexar or ricoh gr1.<br>

i would like to use it as a overall cam, not for something special, like portraits etc and i would love to be able to shoot wider /angle/ and in worse light conditions aswell. it would really help me if you can point out some of the pro's and con's of these as i have no idea about it. i mean i red a lot of articles, but a bit conversation is really fine :)</p>

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<p>thanks guys for your answers<br>

maybe i was too quick putting my question, so i try to be more specific. i own two nikons dslr's and a bunch of glasses, with wich i am really really satisfied. those are heavy ones so i would prefer, this camera is a smaller one to carry it wherever i go to a party, to town, etc. and as i am a newcomer to film, i would like to raise as a photographer, to learn and to try :)<br>

i love for example this kind of pic to show you what is my photoaim :)</p>


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<p>If you are rolling in money (who is these days?) get a Leica M6. This is not a "drop in and shoot" camera, so has been remarked by many "Not a good camera to shoot the riot scenes!"<br>

My girlfriend and I, no longer rolling in money, have two M6 bodies and share 21, 50 and 135mm lenses. I bought my M6 body from B&H, it was listed as a "9+" on their scale of 1-10 and original box. I have never found anything wrong with it, not even a blemish. Be aware, Leicas hold their value! We bought the 21mm at the Leica store in Paris. Hanging on the wall was a signed check from Cartier-Bresson, who was still alive! He made it to about 98. I think if someone like HC-B gives you a signed check you frame it and say the heck with the money!<br>

Check out www<dot>vistablackandwhiteoftaos<dot>com for many M6 examples.<br>

Whatever you buy just shoot shoot shoot!</p>

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<p>I had a Contax T-2 for many years but eventually sold it. I found it to be rather limited, and was not overly impressed by the lens as some have been. Strange limitations on shutter speeds in some modes (1/250), and only focuses AFTER the shutter is released. Classy, well-built, but not recommended.</p>
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<p>The Contax G2 is the most powerful of the ones listed, but also much more expensive and not pocketable. The 45 f2 for the G1/G2 is one of the sharpest lenses made for 35mm photography.</p>

<p>If you don't mind manual focus a Contax rts or rts ii and a couple of Contax primes would be a good way to go. The manual focus 35mm camera I recommend the most is the Contax RX. For whatever reason they are dirt cheap at Keh right now and they are really impressive cameras.</p>

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Are you guys reading the question? The OP does not want a system SLR.


Brano, the Contaxes are great cameras with terrific glass but also do not overlook the Yashica P&S cams of some years ago. Many of them have beautiful Tessar lenses and are well made. The T4 for example is eminently pocketable although you are stuck with the fixed 35mm focal length.

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<p>Since you're already familiar with Nikon features and you have several Nikon lenses, I would suggest something like the Nikon F75. Small, light, easy to use, and, paired with the inexpensive 50mm f/1.8 D, gives great low-light performance. Great deals can be had on the F75 -- I got a brand new one on ebay for $70.</p>
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  • 1 month later...

<p>thanks guys,</p>

<p>finally i decided to take t Contax T2. So far i shot everything in b&w and i must say i am really impressed about the pictures. i would say i love it, the only thing that i cant not get is to how to take pics in lowlight with flash - all the pics seem to be a bit overexposed, but i guess i have to play with expo comp a bit. if anyone has the same probs, pls help to get it right.</p>

<p>thank you</p>

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