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Never thought about that!


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It's so easy to pull the pieces of film out of the loads. They are attached with a small amount of sticky glue but when pulled, come off easily. Take the Quickloads/Readyloads in the darkroom and pull them apart and put them in a regular film box. I say this because they will be protected with 3 boxes as a regular film box is when shipped.
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Perhaps I'm overly trusting of the postal service, but I usually just put my quickloads (with the exposed sticker well stuck on) in a priority mail envelope with a piece of cardboard to make sure that they aren't bent. I'm shipping film from New Hampshire to Seattle, and I haven't had a problem yet.


Express mail would probably be even better, it would give them less time to mess things up.



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Scott, I've never taken a Quickload apart, but was surprised by your description of how easy it is to remove film from the leader and trailer. With Kodak's single-sheet Readyloads I find doing that next to impossible. Kodak's adhesive is so strong that broken bits of black plastic are inevitably left on the film, not to mention my tendency to wrinkle it during the struggle.
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A question for Nathaniel:

I recently moved from Seattle to Massachusetts. I miss the terrific service I always received from Ivey Seright (now called something different) in Seattle. Are you mailing back to Seattle for the quality of the labs there? Have you found a comparable lab in New England?


Tom K.

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If your processing is local, ask them whether they have any empty Quickload boxes you can have. Most places which develop film have emptys every now and then. When I took my first box of 4x5 color film in and asked for empty boxes, the clerk brought out a packing case full of them. An embarrassment of riches!



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