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<p>very new to photoshop and i have done a few things for fun using layers yet i cant seem to figure out how to open the edited files in anything other than CS3. when i save as jpeg it doesnt even show up in the folder i save it in? yet when i go to open in CS3 it shows all the ones ive saved.i've merged all the layers into one.i want to be able to display online or put them on flash drive for printing. please help<br>


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<p>File -save as- assign location using icons at the top-pick the file extention- open then save from bottom right .</p>

<p>.psd files will save as layer unflattened unless you flatten them. Save first as .psd unflattened to serve as a master to which you will return to make each size JPEG for final use. <br>

Open the .psd, flatten, change to 8 bit, resize, final sharpen at final size, save as xxx 300 8x10.JPEG . 300 is 300 ppi and 8x10 is final size. I have actions to do all this and use the Image Processor to do a whole file of .psd of a single event at one time and save to a new folder.</p>

<p>Use a folder for every event like 2009 01 05 vacation. Use that format so they stay in date order. Make sub folders for original files, psd files, 4x6 Jpeg, 5x7 JPEG, 4x6 100 ppi JPEG so you can find what you want later.</p>

<p>All the sub folders are premade and I duplicate the folder containg all the empty sub files. Then I move the duplicated one to the event file as it is created. When I download, the originals go right into the "originals" folder.</p>

<p>After you finish working with them, copy the whole event file at one time to an external hard drive as back up. Erase the originals you duplicated to the external drive before you reformatted the camera card. Year by year, copy the originals to several CD`s and get them off the computer hard drive. You end up with a external hard drive with images, two or more Cd`s with the same information, and a clean computer that works the way it is supposed to work. Your images are in 3 places, external drive, and on two different CD`s. Put one set of Cd`s in the bank safety deposit box. </p>

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<p>This probably won't help any, but.........<br>

Go to <em>My Computer </em> and click on the <em>Tools</em> menu and select <em>Folder Options</em> . Click the <em>View</em> tab and look in the <em>Advanced Settings</em> field. Make sure that the entry "Show Hidden Files and Folders" is checked off. If it isn't, click the little circle next to that entry, then click <em>Apply</em> and <em>Okay.</em><br>

I don't know how or why these image files would get designated as "Hidden" by Windows, but you never know. The above instructions work with WinXP. Vista might be a bit different. And if you're on a Mac...........boy will my face be red!<br>

If it were just the opening in other applications problem, I might suggest that you make sure that you aren't saving in JPEG 2000 format rather than regular JPEG. But, even so, the files should show up in the folder to which you saved them.<br>

If this is a new folder that you're saving to, check the properties of the folder. If the Size reads 0 bytes and the contents (Files and Folders) reads 0, there ain't anything there and you've made some kind of error in where you're saving the pix.</p>

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