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? for Photog Moms....


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<p>I just got an email about photographing a wedding in my area in late April - it sounds like a very fun wedding to shoot and I really want to take the job. My concern is I am due to have a baby at the beginning of April, my first. My Dr.'s office is closed so I can't call and talk to her till tomorrow but I was wondering if there were any Mom's that might be reading this - how long after having the baby have you waited to shoot? I don't think that the wedding is too long, probably under 6 hours of photography.<br>

Any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated!<br>


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<p>Well..... I have to admit I haven't shot any weddings after having kids, yet.... But I had to get a job when #2 was 4 weeks old, and she was born c-section (so, it IS possible...)<br>

If the day really lines up to be only 6 hours, I would bet that you will be just fine. (wear slacks and FLATS) If it turns into a 10 hour day, I would count on being wiped OUT by the end.<br>

The biggest question I would have are your feeding plans. If you're planning on formula right off - no problems at all. If not.... it could get a bit tricky.....</p>

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<p>Just my opinion - let it go. If you do have the baby there is no way you'll be able to lug around all of your gear, run for 8 hours, etc. 1,2 or 3 weeks after having a baby. It's hard work and no matter how 'good' you feel after labor and delivery, your body needs time to heal. Creating a new person and getting them out into the world is seriously hard work! Now - if you had said the wedding was in early March I'd be telling you to go for it (with a few cautions). Trust me on this one - expect the unexpected and take it easy on yourself. <br>

I did my first wedding 3 months pregnant and was lucky to not barf on everyone. Other than that it was dandy. :) I did another wedding when I was 8 months pregnant (with a different baby) and it was the only wedding that my back didn't hurt from lugging my camera gear all day (I guess I was balanced that time). I was exhausted for a good week. Yes, it can be done, but why make yourself hurt if you don't have to?<br>

Oh, and the nursing part is an entirely different story - especially a newborn. My girls are hurting just thinking about it...</p>

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<p>I'm not a mom, but am father to 3 lovely kids, and if I had suggested to my wife that she accompany me to a shoot within 2 months of giving birth, I wouldn't be here to write about it.</p>

<p>Our first was a c-section and she was out of commission literally for 2 full weeks. Then there was the second - birth was fine, but a week later my wife was back in the hospital because of a fever and vomitting. It ended up with a mass being discovered on her uterous. Non-miligant, thankfully, and probably related to the birth. But another surgery and out of action for 3 - 4 more weeks. The third time was as they say, a charm. No issues and she was back up with-in a week.</p>

<p>My vote would be for you to respectfully pass on this one and recommend a competent replacement.</p>



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<p>Thanks everyone for your advice, I appreciate it. Yes, this is my first which explains why I am clueless!!! ;-)</p>

<p>My fear excepting the wedding was that my baby would not come out on her due date (as John said), April 7 and that she would end up being born like a week before the wedding - ahg!!!! I guess I can't expect her to be on a schedule and I can't predict what my labor will be like but wouldn't it be nice if I could? ;-) It's just a shame b/c the style of this wedding is perfect for me and sounds like a lot of fun plus I need the $. I would feel awful though if anything were to prevent me from being able to be there.</p>

<p>David H, sorry you and your wife had so much of an adventure w/ your first 2! Glad all was well.</p>


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<p>I wouldn't. If (and hopefully it doesn't happen) that you have to have a C-section you'll likely be off your feet for a couple of weeks pretty much full time and not be up to much for at least another month or two. That is what occured with my wife, though she also had complications that extended her recovery somewhat (a nasty respiratory infection during delivery that eventually forced the C-section after she was to tired to push/contract after 26hrs of labor). Even with a natural delivery most of our friends who have had children haven't really been up for much for at least a few weeks after the delivery, and frankly for the first few months you are so tired from lack of sleep you don't want to do much. It is inevitably worse for the mother then the father as the mother is also trying to recover from having delivered a baby and possibly getting up more at night; though I got up everytime my wife did. I changed the diapers, woke my wife up if she wasn't already up to give our son to her so she could feed him and then often enough laid him back down after my wife fell alseep feeding him. Those first few weeks are rough no matter how you deliver and how well the delivery goes.<br>

As you mention, as a first time mother you're likely to be late. The 40 weeks of gestation is taken from an arbirtary point (those first couple you aren't really pregnant, but they base it off the last day of your period before getting pregnant anyway) and for first time mothers the average length is more like 41 weeks then the 40 used. 2nd and future babies the average is closer to 40 weeks. Good luck with everything. Being a parent is a wonderful thing, especially once they start sleeping 7-8hrs or more at night.</p>

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<p>Uhm.... my wife's first (our only) child was C-section and she was out of action for a month or more too. Try functioning with a deep cut on your finger. Now think what it is like having your belly cut... and in a spot where you have to be very flexible. I wouldn't even consider shooting a wedding after a first C-section. And you won't want to trust that baby with ANYBODY so soon after having it. You will be too stressed at the wedding.</p>


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<p>I just let the bride to be know that I won't be able to photograph her wedding. I feel good about the decision but wish there was a way of knowing if it would work out. Oh well, I am sure by April all I will be thinking about is my baby!</p>

<p>Thanks again everyone!</p>

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<p>I think you made the right choice. I just had baby #4 three weeks ago and i couldn't imagine doing a wedding (even a short one) anytime soon. No C-section by the delivery was harder than the other three and this little one does not like to sleep. You never know what's going to happen with babies so it's usually a good idea to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Best of luck in April! </p>
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