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<p>Can anyone tell me the symptoms of a printhead that is worn or has just given up the ghost.<br>

In my case I have an Epson 2200 that literally began drooling ink during a head alignment which I performed due to vertical streaks of alternaing colors. An hour prior to that I was making choice prints on Ilford smooth perl paper. <br>

Maybe I shunned the labs too soon.</p>

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<p>I replaced the ink head in my Canon i9950 when I could not clear some blocked jets in one of the colours. The cause could have been dirty ink (I do not use the way over priced proprietary inks) or a jet failure caused by an electrical or mechanical issue. </p>

<p>If your inkjet is drooling ink then it could be simply 'worn out' or something as simple as poor seal between the ink cartdridge and the head, or even the cartdridge itself. If the flow of ink is too high i.e. it has been manually over filled, then this might force excess ink pass the natural valve built into the jets.</p>

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