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Which body to buy.... used 5D or 50D


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<p>I am contemplating buying either a used (under 10,000 shutter clicks) Canon 5D, or a new Canon 50D. Both cost the same amount of $$.<br /> I currently own a 40D and a XSi. I will be selling my XSi.<br /> My lens lineup right now is:<br /> 35L<br /> 50 1.4<br /> 85 1.8<br /> EFS 17-55 2.8<br /> Tamron 70-200 2.8<br /> <br /> I shoot weddings mostly. <br /> What body would you buy and why?<br>

I'm really looking for responses from those who have used both cameras.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

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<p>Diane, always changing gear huh. I would ( and am ) getting the full frame 5d 1 or 2. No big advantage to a 50D over a 40D so either keep what you have or go ff. I used the 5D 1 a few times and its really nice getting wide angle coverage. It makes all my lenses better. </p>

<p>The 17-55 would be your only real hiccup for you so I assume you will keep the 40D and 17-55 combo</p>

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<p>Hi Diane,</p>

<p>Get the 5D and better yet, if you can save a litle more money and invest in the Canon 5D Mark II. It's an amazing camera. It will improve the white balance on your images and the best part is, you can shoot HD video.<br>

Check out some of my samples on my blog- www.litratophoto.com/blog</p>


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I have a 40d and 5d. Love them both. I usually keep the 70-200 on the 40D and 17-40 or 24-105 on the 5d. Your current lens line up will do well with the 5d, however, since the 17-55 won't work with the 5d, you might what to sell it and pick up a 17-40l or 24-105l. You will probably use the 5d for most of your "wide" photography. I doubt I will upgrade for a few years because this camera body combo does everything I need to do like; 5d for weddings, portraits, macro and low light and 40d for sports and nature.<br>

Best regards,<br>


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<p>PS> "I shoot Weddings mostly".<br>

Definitely go for the 5d it's an awesome wedding camera and is FF. Because of the FF factor, you may be able to get a few wide shots you might have missed with the cropped camera. You might also consider getting a 24-70L ilo the 24-105L I mentioned earlier due to the 2.8 vs 4.0 factor.</p>

<p>I haven't actually used a 50d, but everyone I've talked to said it's not enough of an upgrade from a 40d to warrant the cost.</p>

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<p>Scott, you have helped me make an important decision as I was debating 40D versus Nikon 700 for sports/action and night/wide angle photography. Since D40+5D cost as much as Nikon 700, I have decided to buy these two canons (40D and 5D0), and put separate lenses on them like you have done. Thanks </p>
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<p>"I haven't actually used a 50d, but everyone I've talked to said it's not enough of an upgrade from a 40d to warrant the cost."</p>

<p>You haven't talked to me. From 20D+5D I upgraded the 1.6-factor body to 40D and now to 50D, although curently I still have the 40D. I use the 1.6-factor body mainly for long-lens work, and the changes from the 40D to the 50D, including Live Mode AF in Live View, made it a worthwhile upgrade for me. YMMV, of course. I shall upgrade the 5D to 5DII once the feeding frenzy has subsided.</p>

<p>Diane, with the 35/1.4L, 50/1.4 and 85/1.8 in your bag, I'd have thought that acquiring a FF body was pretty near irresistible anyhow, and all the more so if you are doing weddings.</p>

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I use mostly the center AF point. I shoot weddings mostly.<br>

The 50D interests me: 1) improved LCD 2) micro focus adjustment 3) megapixel count for cropping 4) newest technology<br>

The 5D interestes me: 1) good in low light 2) dof 3) full frame<br>

What worries me about the 5D: 1) old technology 2) slow 3) bad LCD<br>



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<p>Hi Tommy,</p>

<p>Not always changing gear.... I prefer evolving. This year has been a major jump for me in photography... starting with an XSi and kit lenses. <br>

So yes... I am still swapping gear, but have found a lot of happiness with using primes. The zoom thing for me is good for travel, but I find that I take much better photos using a prime lens. <br>

So now I want to get rid of my XSi and have a second body to compliment my 40D which is a simply lovely camera (though the LCD could be better).<br>

Do you have a 5D?<br>


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<p>Well, I will say the 5d doesn't have the bells and whistles the 40d or 50d does. It is older technology, but I wouldn't let that stop me. It's been one of Canon's biggest successes. As a practical walk around camera, I prefer the 40d with all it's cool stuff, but when I need a money shot (especially at a wedding) I'll always pull out the 5d.</p>

<p>IMO, there a huge difference between what you see through the lens of a 5d vs the 40d. The 5d has a much larger view and is better in lower light, but he 40d includes ISO in it's view (that's important to me).</p>

<p>Having one full frame and one cropped frame was my goal from the begining. It just makes more since than having two cropped (IMO). Two big things you will give up on the 5d are "Live View" (if that's important to you) I only use it in architectural photography, but I understand some folk use it a lot. I also understand it's been upgraded on the 50D. The other is auto "sensor cleaning".</p>

<p>It's alot to think about and a tough decision, but I still think the 5d is a better option for your circumstance, if you can trust the used one is in good shape.</p>

<p>I'm curious, have you ever used a 5d?</p>


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<p>Hi Scott,<br>

I have never used the 5d. Only the 40d (which I love). <br>

I don't use live view so that isn't important. <br>

One thing that I read about on the 50D that is appealing is how much better the LCD is for checking your photos... Do you know if the LCD on the 5D is better or worse than the 40D?<br>

I know the 40D is faster than the 5D. What other features does the 40D have OVER the 5D?</p>


<p> </p>

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<p>Good move, 5D is a great camera. I am waiting until spring. You would now appreciate a 24-70/105 now as well. </p>

<p>As to primes I think the 35 is the best L to own of all the primes. the 50 1.4 is pretty good and I don't really see needing 1.4 at 24mm but for wedding work it may be different. </p>

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<p>You should go to a camera store and play with a 5d for a few minutes. You will probably be sold by what you see through the lens alone.</p>

<p>The back screen is 2-1/2" on a 5d vs 3" on the 40d. The pixel count seems to be the same, but I can see better on the 40d. I'm sure the 50d has both beat in that regard.</p>

<p>I don't like the actual functionality of the 5d as much as the 40d. The 5d seems to be a little "clunkier" when you take an image. I've tried a few other 5d's just to make sure it wasn't just mine (since I bought it used) and they all seem to be that way. The 40d has more controls on top of the camera and is a bit easier to use in a fast moving situation. However, once you learn the functions of the 5d, it's like second nature.</p>

<p>Still, I think once you pick one up and look through it, you will be sold on the 5d. It's simply better for weddings (IMO), especially since it's FF.</p>

<p>I have a young friend who is really an excellent photographer for his age (20 something) who borrows my 5d whenever he shoots a wedding. He's just waiting for the flood of used 5d's that will be on the market when folk upgrade to the 5dMII and the prices come down.</p>

<p>This link will grow old soon. I would be interested to hear what you decided and how it works out for you. Please email me at scott@mscottclay.com after you've had a chance to use which ever camera you decide to buy.</p>




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<p>I'm going to go against popular opinion and say the 50D unless you often make large prints from shots at ISO 1600/3200 and consider this very important. At lower ISOs the 50D has equal image quality given proper post processing. (The 50D needs different USM settings than one would apply to a 5D file, but ends up looking every bit as good.) The 50D is a newer, better sealed, and much faster camera. The 50D also has more dynamic range which can be very useful when shooting weddings. And you would be buying the 50D new with full warranty, no shots fired, etc.</p>

<p>The 5D still has the advantage at high ISO. And a bigger/brighter viewfinder.</p>

<p>You're not actually going to get any wider without buying additional lenses regardless of which body you buy because your 17-55 is EFS. Unless you shoot really wide (i.e. Canon's 14mm) there is no longer a wide angle lens gap for cropped Canon bodies.</p>

<p>Unless you really, really want high ISO performance for large prints or a "normal" FoV for your lenses, I think the 50D is the better buy.</p>

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