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New Owner: Really Right Stuff

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Really Right Stuff will have new owners effective July 1. Initial

plans are to continue doing business as usual, but hints that more

modern services may be offered soon. Those who have been turned off

by attitude of current owner may find a more friendly, less arrogant

response on telephone. Perhaps RRS will also accept credit cards for

purchases soon. LB

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Thank you very much for the information.





1 - No need to shout !


2 - That information is really useful for those like me, who use to deal with RRS (wonderful products BTW) and were discouraged by their

payment's business practice.


I use a lot their products with my R8 + big lenses, together with an ArcaSwiss ballhead.

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I have several RRS products, and they are indeed top-drawer. Yes, the owner can be a bit opinionated, but I've called and discussed my product options several times. He and his wife have always been cordial and helpful.


Yes, they don't take credit cards, but as a small business, they made a decision to keep their overhead costs down to an absolute minimum. By only accepting mail-in payments, they've accomplished that objective. Personally, I think that they would get more business with CC's, but someone has to factor in the merchant fees, potential (and inevitable) chargebacks, and the funds availability delays that using credit cards entails. Perhaps they weren't so arrogant after all?


I hope that their current product quality standard doesn't suffer as a consequence of the change.



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Sorry for shouting, but I'm lashing out against the chronic huckstering going on here. Since the forum has moved to Photo.net, the number of For Sale and merchandise plugs has gone through the roof. I've also been overwhelmed with emails promoting every kind of camera-related (and unrelated) junk. Yes, tripod ball heads serve a purpose; but to Leica users who favor discretion and street photography, that purpose is minimal.
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Jonathan and others: I don't recall seeing anywhere that this is the Leica "M" forum, nor that this is the "Leica Discreet Street Photography Forum". I personally use an arca-style plate on my M Leicas for tripod work, as the M is my backpacking camera of choice. Furthermore, anyone who uses an R Leica with long lenses has a good reason to consider the arca-style gear.


That said, I personally have never bought from RRS nor could I care less over their "new ownership". I have never understood how RRS stayed in business all this time given their antiquated business practices that inconvenienced the customers in order to help pad their bottom line. Kirk Enterprises' prices and products were always competitive and they always had an 800 number, accpeted credit cards, and were one of the earliest photo dealers on the web with an e-commerce site. They are also a small, family-owned business, and Mike Kirk and his son have always been helpful and knowledgeable.

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FWIW I stopped buying anything from Brian at RRS -- He absolutely refused to get into the 21st century and accept credit cards for immediate shipping purposes. (You had to mail payment in...) He also arrogantly refused to modify any of his existing brackets to work better with his own accessories -- Like a bi-directional plate for MF cameras so one could use his own B-16 "L" bracket with it! (Kirk's is bi-directional.) Or a bracket for the new Leica Motor M -- Just read what he says in his catalog about that one! I quote: "No plate offered -- now or ever." Yet, his own universal bi-directional plate fits just fine and locks solidly!!! Arrogance?


I thought myself about purcahsing and re-orging his operation -- but in the end I simply started buying Kirk brackets. They are of equal quality, very availabe, "skeletonized" for lightness, and best of all, Kirk actually listens to his dealers' and customers' inputs to continually improve his products! And my local dealer stocks them. And I can pay with my credit card.



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Just in case anyone is wondering, I have NO connection whatsoever with RRS. I submitted the original information as an item of possible interest to Leica forum participants because the firm and its products have been mentioned here many times before.


Have a good day and good (photographic) shooting! LB

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to those angry readers/contributors out there - once again, if you don't like the headline just ignore it. don't read it, get totally upset and feel compelled to share your frustration with the rest of us.


this is relevant to some leica community members (I'm not one of them) but please let them discuss the topic if they want.



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Another take on the (in)appropriateness of this post:


Since the Leica forum discussions are now being carried out in full view of the whole of Photo.Net (via the Unified Forum, for one thing), would it not be better if this post, as it is not in the least Leica-specific, appeared within the "Camera Equipment" forum?


Posting to the most appropriate forum ('cause this sure ain't it) archives the information in the most user friendly place for future searches and keeps the community the best it can be.


(Sorry, Luther. It's nothing personal and I see you are already having a rough time of it! Cheers!)

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A "less arrogant response on telephone" couldn't hurt. I seldom

use a tripod for my screw-mount Leicas, but when I phoned

RRS a couple of years ago to ask what plate to use (OT) for my

Kodak Medalist II (IMHO a GREAT MF landscape camera) I was

told that my Medalist couldn't possibly, take a good photograph

and was unworthy of their wonderful plates(the shutter HAD to be

too erratic to make anything approaching a correct exposure).

After being corrected with this brilliant display of photographic

erudition I made do with a MUCH cheaper Bogan quick release

(which BTW works just fine). A h*ll of a way to run a business!

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I too use RRS clamps and plates (on an M6, I confess.) They are very well made and I hope quality remains a priority for the new management. RRS are/were a quaint outfit. Not in the 21st century, perhaps, but when I needed a clamp in a hurry they shipped me one prior to receiving, let alone clearing, my check. (I miss the 20th century. What�s the 21st century got to offer Leica fans anyway?)


And to all the would-be forum cops, there are lots of discussions here which could arguably go elsewhere. But then this place might be less worth visiting.


So, thanks Luther.

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Robert- I also owned and cherished a Kodak Medallist II. Ken Ruth (Photography on Bald Mountain) converts these to 120. I never got that far with mine. I simply respooled the 620 rolls to 120 (PITA!) It appears that the 6x9 format is for people who can do their own processing & printing, as this format came back badly cropped by local processors (Chicago) who must have used 6x7 enlargers.


Has anyone ever thought that Leica should build a quick-release into the Leica-M Grip attachment? They also might make a flash bracket that snapped onto that grip adapter.

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