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Quantum 5dr portable vs regular portable flashes ?


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<p>Have a few quick questions. There are the portable flashes from Nikon, Olympus and others that can be bought at about 500.00 ttl wireless flash.</p>

<p>Then there are the Quantum 5dr type portable flashes for about 675.00. My question is what does it buy me ?<br>

Do the Quantum 5drs have faster recycle times ? Can you shoot with them more in a 1 hour shoot without melting down or breaking ?<br>

Do they have more power ?<br>

I am looking to do portrait shots without having to have big studio lights. I have heard that the portable flashes are limited to so many shots an hour then they can overheat or break ?<br>

Also the more power the better but not sure if the quantum photoflex lights give me additional benefits ?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Basically two things. More power and Q Flashes have a parabolic reflector and can be used bare bulb. The latter feature can be a plus or minus--it depends on your use. They don't recycle faster, and I doubt that they are more durable re shooting a lot with them in short periods of time. No flash can withstand that kind of abuse. I doubt either one will melt down under heavy use in an hour unless you are shooting continuously without giving the flash rests. The guide is resting after 10 continuous flashes in a row.</p>

<p>Even the advantage of having more power is dampened by the fact that you can adjust the angle of coverage using two positions only, as opposed to shoemounts, which have pretty much continuous zoom (zoom position affects guide number). Again--this is maybe a plus, maybe a minus, depending upon your use.</p>

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<p>The Quantums are a "Quantum Leap" beyond speedlights. Pair them with a Turbo 2x2 battery and you can shoot as very fast sequences, for hours on end, without melting down the flash.<br /> I found the Quantum alternative after I had the 8th speedlight "melt down" and since finding it, there are far fewer times that I feel the need for my ProPhoto strobes.<br /> <br /> The Quantums don't have the power that a DC strobe has, but with the current generation of bodies and high ISO capability, they don't need it. The Quantum has about 2 to 2.5 times the power of a Speedlight. It's challenging to make a direct comparison because the Speedlights use a parabolic reflector to concentrate the light and skew the numbers.<br /> <br /> Take a look at my website, I've used Quantum lighting for every picture on it. In most cases just one Q-flash, in some cases two or three. I don't know of any better portable lighting solution available today.</p>
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<p>I am going through the same dilemma. I do have semi-portable strobes (<a href="http://alienbees.com/b400.html">AB400</a> ) that would suffice for any on-location assignment out there. I mean semi because they are indeed less portable than a Q4 with a Skyport, but much more powerful. It is less portable mostly due to the battery (<a href="http://alienbees.com/VIIsystem.html">Vagabond Portable Battery</a> ) system required to make it portable at "just" 18 pounds.</p>

<p>However when you consider the versatility (on-location and studio) of this setup (AB400 + Vagabond) and the value for your money ($250 + $300), it makes getting a Q4 or Q5 a tough decision. Remember that you still need to get a battery pack for the Quantum which might put the system in the $1000 range.</p>

<p>If you really want to enjoy beautifully crafted portraits made with both Quantum and Alienbees visit <a href="http://digitalprotalk.com">Digital Pro Talk</a> . There you'll find both articles and screencasts about the best examples on posing, lighting and portable flash techniques from one of the best ones out there, <a href="http://davidziser.com/">Mr. David Ziser</a> .</p>

<p>I hope you find this helpful. I will appreciate your feedback since I am yet undecided on which combo to adopt.</p>

<p>Have fun!</p>

<p>-<a href="http://www.vladimirsanchezphotography.com">Vlad</a></p>

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<p>Vladimir, I am actually considering the AB400 & AB800 flashes for the same portablitliy. In talking with a fellow photographer he mentioned that they are fairly portable but provide. The vagabond system would be ok as well. I would not be shooting wedding but more glamour/portait on location so super portablitlity is not a problem.<br>

I am strongly leaning towards the 2 big flashes since I was told the quality of light is much better than the smaller portable flashes. I have 1 guy who said he tried and tried to get it right but ultimately went back to the AB400sss. <br>

Anybody elses thoughts would be great.</p>


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