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What laptop with better display?

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<p>Hi All,<br>

I live in Uk and planning to buy laptop PC and my first laptop too..Right from teh beginning I thought of buying a laptop I cant think of anything other than sony as I am being mesmerised.<br>

I narrowed down my search to FW21L or FW21E given my budget being between 600 - 700 Pound.<br>

Acer 8930 offers great feature was the same price with 18.4 " screen with Nvedia graphics card better than the above one but not sure of acer's display quality..<br>

I am a sw engr as well and this would be a desktop replacement laptop...I am some how not interested in dell as i have never had better impression on dell's display and sound quality..<br>

As you all how mission critical the display in postprocessing pls help me choose the laptop with best display in this price range...If any of you have FW series pls let me knwo your thoughts..<br>

also where can i get best deals on the laptop in UK..<br>

Thanks in Advance!<br>



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<p>I have an HP 8510w Mobile Workstation... it's pretty close to the top of the line in a laptop, but is only adequate for doing graphics work. It serves nicely on-site and on the road, but I can never wait to get home and fire up the "real" computer.<br>

One problem I see (saw) with the "consumer" laptops with better graphics cards is the lack of long-term driver support for the video display. Not so with the more pro-model nVidia Quaddro or ATI Fire workstation cards.</p>

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<p>My 64bit HP Laptop "The Dragon" with a 20" screen is about the best Id want. It is actually better than any desktop Ive had including a Dell, and Ive been using computers since 1975... Never have any problems with cooling, the fan hardly ever runs and it always runs cool. WIth all the trash talk on the net about Vista thought Id hate it, but it works well for me.</p>
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