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negative sizes

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I was just talking with a makeup artist who told me that I should

only put prints in my portfolio that are "full size" - she explained

that 'full size' in professional photography is 9" x 13". When I

questioned the photo lab here, they said they could 'crop' a shot to

that size, but that that size is not a standard paper size nor is it

a "full" negative size of any common format - who is correct

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I'm not going to comment on who's right, but I'll tell you what "Full Negative Size."


Referring to 35mm format.


The image on a 135 strip of film is 24mm x 36mm. The ratio of 24mm x 36mm is 1:1.5


(non-cropped) A full frame image would fit onto:


4x6; 4.66x7; 6.66x10; 8x12*; 9.33x14**


Perhaps what you makeup artist friend meant to tell you, *on an 11x14 sheet of paper print a full framed image that measures 8" x 12" Or, ** on an 11x14 sheet of paper print a full framed image that measures 9 2/3" x 14"


Hope that helps.

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The size she is refering to is the standard size for model portfolio's, nothing else. No other "area" of photography really uses that format. To get prints that size, you need to have them printed on 11x14 paper and trimmed.


She was also refering to "full frame", which means printing the full image area of a 35mm neg, which will give you close to that 9x13 format. You could crop the image anyway you want, as long as you keep that format, and, in the world of talent agencies, models, and make-up artists, you would be doing what they need.







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