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Can this image be saved?

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I'm kind of new to retouching and restoring old pictures, but I try to do my


In the following picture, there are areas than lost color and it look very




Is there a way to restore this picture?

I cropped the picture and play with auto color and other tools but is not

enought to get it right.


Any suggestions?


Thank you.

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There's no color in this photo, period. Not sure what Auto color was expected to do? I played with it by adjusting gamma, adding contrast and applying unsharp mask. It looks a bit better, but there is a scratch down the near center of the shot, running vertically, as well as dust spots. If you want my version, I attached it. Or you can follow my steps, and get better results, I imagine. You just need to spend time with the healing brush in PS.
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This is going to be a challenge to restore, but it can be done. Is this scanned from a print, and if so do you still have a negative for it? It looks like your camera has a light leak, and this looks like a fairly old picture as well. You'll need to do a lot of hand correction in the lightened areas, and this will take some well-developed PS skills to do right, but it's not beyond repair- though there are some areas which don't seem to have much recoverable detail, such as the man's pants.
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Anyway, the photograph of the couple that you want to try and save, there is only so much that you will be able to do with it as the colors are flat and it has totally blown out highlights, someone with more skill in photoshop than I might give it a crack because to me, this is one photo that if possible I personally would just try to re-shoot!


Good luck!



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