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Any PNetters at Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in March?


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I was wondering if any member is visiting or planning to be at the

Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary around March 19-22? I know this is a

stretch but the experience could be more rewarding with similar-

minded people. Iam travelling from the US and will carry my F5 and

the 80-400VR for light travel purposes. Almost thought of renting a

big glass but the duration of total stay is way much. I am carrying

some macro lenses (55 2.8 and Canon 500D) along with a sturdy Tripod

(Bogen 3221) to get up close and personal and this is the area need

some learning to do - so thought I would ask if anyone was

interested in doing the same.

So any plans we still got time...

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Sorry, I could have seen your post earlier. Well, I was there in Bharatpur to shoot birds (that's what you get there) by Feb'2004. Did you visit? How was your experience?


If not, for your note, March is already late as both the Migrant birds from another part of the world and local ones from another part of India itself (mostly from South like painted storks)will start go back with their new family members already from third week of February. If you want to shoot birds (like painted stork) with its newly born babies, the best time is end of October or middle of November. If you want to shoot them with a bit grown up babies and other birds whose breeding season is not that time, you should visit there till Feb as the latest. In march you can find just a few birds like spotted owl, parrots, etc only which stays there all the seasons.

I have been to that spot many times and go there almost every year. If you have any question, you can write me directly.


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