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45D [actually 450D] or 50D Body ?


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<p>I assume that you mean 40D.<br>

No, it's not significantly better. Some people say it's worse. I really don't think that jumping from the 40D to the 50D is worth it.<br>

Tell her to get the cheaper 40D while they are still available. It's like buying at 2008 model year car when the 2009 is pretty much the same care with hardly and major differences. The 2008 will be alot cheaper for the same thing.</p>

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<p>There is no 12.2 MB 45D. I think you mean the 12.2MP 450D (and probably not the 10.1MP 40D).</p>

<p>In terms of image quality there's little difference between the 450D and 50D, however the 50D has additional ISO settings of 3200, 6400 and 12800 (though quality drops) and a number of other features. See <a href="http://www.photo.net/equipment/canon/50D/review/">http://www.photo.net/equipment/canon/50D/review/</a> for a review of the 50D and <a href="http://www.photo.net/equipment/canon/rebel-xsi/review/">http://www.photo.net/equipment/canon/rebel-xsi/review/</a> for a review of the 450D.</p>

<p>Unless you're looking at prints of 11x14 and up, there probably won't be a huge amount of visible difference between the XT, XSi (450D) and 40D/50D. You're really upgrading for additional camera features rather than dramatic differences in image quality.</p>


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<p>If she is using studio flash the 50D (and indeed 40D) is better. If she isn't then there is little the 450 misses next to the 50D. The resolution even between a 10 MP and 15 MP will make very little differences to the dimensions of a print.<br>

The difference in price though would pay for a good flashgun or a specialst macro lens or decent quality telezoom. These things are more likely to enhance her photography than 2 extra mega pixels.</p>

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<p>I would agree with Paul, spend the extra money on the glass. You will notice a much bigger improvement in image quality with bettes lenses than with newer bodies.<br>

For the most part, all bodies capture the image presented to them. The better the image, the better the output. And the lens makes a much bigger difference than the body.</p>

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<p>Hi Dezi,</p>

<p>I guess we'll need a little bit more information to answer your question properly. Two photos af the same subject, taken with a 450D or 50D and with the same lens, even printed at 40x60 cm (16x24 inches?), are practically indistinguishable. That doesn't mean these are the same cameras. The 50D has a better build quality, has an extra dial for more direct control, and some more features. If you have large hands it is much more pleasant to hold, but if your hands & biceps are small the lighter 450D might suit you better.<br>

Why does your daughter want a 50D? Because of the megapixels? In my opinion, the megapixel race is over. 12 or 15 doesn't really matter. What is it she doesn't like about the XT/350D she has now? Both the 450D and 50D offer a number of advantages over the 350D. Larger viewfinders, larger screens, spot metering are a few examples. But over the whole, her photography might improve more from buying her some lenses than a new body. What lens(es) does she have now? Personally I think the 50D is a better camera than the 450D but whether it is worth the extra money really depends on your needs.</p>

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<p>Thank Guys for the advice!<br>

Her Major in College is to be a Graphic Artist. But she does photo work rock bands and dance groups to make extra money. I was thinking about upgrading her lens to better ones in the furtue. Has done a number of cover shots too.<br>

And when she gets her degree get her a Canon EOS-1D or 1Ds.<br>

Its her Birthday this week so it will be either an early BD/Christmas present.<br>

Thanks </p>

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<p>I own an xTi and the 50D. The xTi is my work camera, the 50D is my personal camera. The biggest improvement as far as image quality goes is the L series lenses I have purchased. <br>

Having said that, I really like the 50D a lot. It "fits" my hands better and has a much more solid feel. The 3" lcd on the back is super bright and has superb image quality...I can actually use this one to check my focus when I zoom in on the photo. I've not worked with the higher ISO settings, so I can't judge the noise; the few pics I've made at 3200 still look pretty darn good. Strap this one around your neck all day with a 24-70 f2.8 L lens and you will definitely feel it. On the other hand, I like the extra heft as it dampens camera movement a bit at slower shutter speeds.<br>

The xTi is my choice for on the job shoots. I will typically have it slung around my neck for many hours at a time. I can usually get by with reduced image quality for my work needs, so lighter (and cheaper) lenses are great. Recently purchased the Canon 18-200 IS EFS and am very pleased with most of the results it produces for work.<br>

The build quality is certainly much better on the 50D. If the camera will see some abuse, as they often do, this may be one additional factor. Whatever the decision reached, you sound like a great parent. Wishing you both a happy holiday season! :-)</p>


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