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D3 Live View with DoF preview?


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<p>Could someone who owns a D3 please answer this for me: does the D3 Live View feature support depth of field preview, preferably in conjunction with 100% zoom? I'd very much like to be able to judge focus throughout the image at the chosen aperture without straining my eyes through the viewfinder, which gets impossibly dark for me after about f/8 or so.</p>

<p>Canon's 5D II has this feature and I could really use it.</p>

<p>Thanks. I downloaded the D3 manual from Nikon USA but it doesn't seem to answer my question.</p>


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<p>Roberto, my D300 does not switch to Liveview when non G lens is attached and when it is selected from menu to select aperture from ring. How you are able to work Liveview and also able to change the aperture from lens ?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>With either type of lens (D or G), in tripod-mode Live View the D3 stops down the lens to the value that will be used for the exposure. Thus DOF preview is automatic and continuous. (As you adjust a command wheel to change aperture, you can actually hear it being stepped in the lens.)</p>

<p>In handheld Live View mode, the aperture is continually adjusted to a setting that, I presume, is best for rendering the view. The setting during viewing is not affected by the aperture set for exposure.</p>

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<p>The implementaqtion of LiveView is flawed. You need to set the aperture to be controlled by the camera, not the aperture ring, in order for LV to work. What makes this even more infuriating and annoying is that once you do this, you can use the aperture ring *on the lens* to set the actual aperture ! Now, this must be a "feature" not easily understood perhaps not even by the maker :) I have better words for it in my native vocabulary, though.</p>
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