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Auto corrections of CA

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<p>Hi all<br>

I read on a photo review site that "Chromatic Abberations (CA) can be (auto) corrected by most of the RAW converters"<br>

I sat down with my RAW photo's from Canon 350D and 80-200 EF-II lens. I opened the files in Canon DPP software that came with my 350D<br>

Oops.. but the Canon DPP does not show any option / menu for auto-correction of CA. I saw other options like the colour temparature, levels etc. But I can't see any option for CA correction.<br>

Is this option hidden somewhere? Or is CA correction a complex process and not just "auto-correction" as I have read?<br>

Please help...<br>



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<p>What version of DPP have you got? If I recall correctly, at the time the 350D was released this function was not on DPP. You can download an updgrade to v3.4.1.1 from the Canon website to give you this function. The Canon website will also give you a list of lenses that are supported.</p>
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<p>-- "80-200 EF-II lens."</p>

<p>Is it this lens, that you have?</p>

<p><a title="the pocket rocket II" href="http://www.canon.com/camera-museum/camera/lens/ef/data/telephoto_zoom/ef_80~200_45~56ii.html" title="the pocket rocket II">http://www.canon.com/camera-museum/camera/lens/ef/data/telephoto_zoom/ef_80~200_45~56ii.html</a></p>

<p>If so, there is a chance that this lens isn't supported at all in DPP (at least for CA correction).</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Update : I downloaded the lasted DPP and now realsied that my lowly 350D iteself is not supported by the DPP for lens corrections!<br>

If I somehow change the exif camera model to 450D, will it work? From where does DPP get information about the lens used? The information about the Lens model used in photograph is NOT mentioned in Exif data. Hence I am not sure how it realises which lens was used for the photo.<br>

Any help on this will be welcome....</p>

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