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Ebay purchas of 18-125 sigma: coupla questions


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<p>Hi,<br />I just purchased a sigma 18-125mm F3.5-5.6 Pentax mount lens listed as New. He did not specify any return policy, it did not occur for me to ask for test images either (this is actually the first time I ever participated in an ebay auction let alone winning it in the last 3 seconds, so in the excitement of bidding, overlooked to ask those questions....)<br />The lens may arrive a week or so from now using Canadian expedited post<br />What is your opinion? If I found it as a bad copy, what are my options?<br />Thanks,<br />Mugundhan</p>
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<p>Worst case? You turn into an Ebay seller and pass the lens off. I buy a lot on ebay and have found that many people are honest. ie; They honestly sold you a lens they had problems with! lololol - Trust me. It IS funny!<br>

One buys on ebay 'sight unseen' - Truly, we are all suckers just begging to get burned! However, most transactions are favorable to the buyer. That is the statistic. End of... <br>

In your case, I know it's hard to deal with such honesty. I've, 'been there, done that' and getting stung hurts. The best way I have found to deal with such wonderful people is to strictly use PayPal.. Dispute and immediately escalate the dispute. Then you hound the crap out of both PayPal and the buyer.<br>

Give the seller time to react - 72 hours at most IMO.</p>

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