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Norita 80mm f2 on a Pentax 67II ?


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<p>Hey guy's,</p>

<p>i have both these cameras, and love the Norita's 80mm f2, but i want to see about the possiblities of using in on my Pentax with the simplicity of the AE Prism? When i hold my 80mm f2 infront of my pentax mirror it covers the whole mirror, does this mean it should cover the 6x7 neg? I thought about getting a rear lens cap for my norita and using a body cap for my pentax, and with a bit of handy work i should be able to get it light tight? But one thing i was trying to think about as how will the meter react on the pentax with the Norita lens in front of it? The lens obviously wont be able to tell the camera which aperture i'm using, but i know the meter is active when there is no lens mounted, so what aperture is it taking into consideration to give me the reading? any ideas on how this might work? i know i will probably only be able to shoot the 80mm f2 wide open but thats fine, because thats why i want this lens...<br>


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<p>You'll just need to meter at the taking aperture... If the Norita lens has no manual aperture stop-down button, then you can use a separate meter. Hopefully you can get the lens mounted so that it focuses to infinity and still clears the mirror's swing.<br>

The lens is made to cover a patch of film about 55x55mm in size, effectively a circle 77.8mm diameter. The Pentax's film gate is 55x70mm, for a coverage circle of 89.0mm. So you're likely to have darkening (vignetting) at the corners especially at wide apertures. Coverage will improve as you stop down.</p>

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